Weekly Horoscopes August 19th 2024 - Fighting for freedom (2024)

Weekly Horoscopes August 19th 2024 - Fighting for freedom (1)

Weekly Horoscopes August 19th 2024 - Fighting for freedom (2)ARIES

Just where might you be missing out?

Redefine priorities

Make time for passion and play!

Chances are in your desire to crush that goal or simply to get on top of those day-to-day responsibilities, you may have taken on too much and need to lighten the load.

Retro Mercury in your 5th is a potent reminder of the importance of play, guilt-free down-time and pleasure. That doesn’t mean you’re ignoring what needs to be done. Or abandoning that goal when it’s now enticingly close. But if you are too tired to enjoy the pay-off when you reach the finish line, then that victory will be as empty as your fuel tank, Aries. A reshuffling of priorities doesn’t mean you’re giving up. Or being selfish. Just that you’re more aware of that work/life balance and the role it plays in what you serve, give and deliver. As well as how you are able to show up for others – and yourself.

The cosmos has been delivering various hints around this for a while now. But if you’ve been ignoring these, the message will be clear under this week’s full Moon in your 11th. No sign is an island. Tense aspects between the planets in mutable signs this week tell you something’s gotta give. And all work and no play doesn’t just dull – it drains you too.

If you need to delegate, ask for help or simply say ‘No’ to taking on more – do so. Despite the retro re-action, there are fabulous opportunities around friends, your social life, invitations and growing passion-projects thanks to the full Moon in your 11th (19th) and its celebratory trine to Jupiter.

The Sun in your 6th (22nd) tells you its soul revival season. Where those responsibilities you have include those you have to yourself. So yes, it would be a pity to miss out on all that potential simply because you’ve worn yourself out. The thing is – you’ve probably already done as much as you can. Understand that what you have done now has a momentum all its own. So either let go secure in the knowledge you’ve done enough. Or don’t opt for going it alone. And then – give yourself a break.

In a nutshell: Nobody doubts your ability to get things done, Aries. But those priority tasks need to include self-care. As well as prioritising time for what you love. Time spend on re-energising isn’t indulgence. It’s necessary self-care.

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (5th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (6th to 3rd)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (6th to 12th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (11th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (11th to 3rd)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (11th to 5th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 2nd)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 12th)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (6th)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (6th to 3rd)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (6th)

Weekly Horoscopes August 19th 2024 - Fighting for freedom (3)TAURUS

You’ve done the right thing. Now accept the reward

Miracles restore your belief in magic

You can’t escape that spotlight!

There’s no hiding in the wings this week as your presence is demanded on the stage of life thanks to the full Moon in your 10th (19th), putting you well and truly in the spotlight. Even if you’re not usually an attention seeker, expect to be singled out in some way. If not professionally – then personally as ruler Venus in your 5th could highlight a romantic prospect. Or simply recognition of those talents.

This week is no time for false modesty either with Jupiter in your 2nd. Strut, Taurus! Bask in the attention that comes your way. Accept compliments and even tangible rewards on offer. And simply take it that it’s your turn to shine. Especially with the Sun in your 5th (22nd) and that start of your yearly cycle of pleasure and effortless attraction.

Not that you see this as being all about you (although it could be!). But the Sun and retro Mercury meeting (also the 19th) in your 4th means that security and caring for those you love plays a big part of your agenda. And this may have been your ultimate goal all along.

All that being said, this week can also magically dispel any cynicism that’s been like a little dark cloud of doom overshadowing you lately. Someone from your past could re-connect perhaps to remind you that life is filled with possibilities. Or else suddenly everything just turns out in your favour – just like magic. You’re suddenly free and carefree once again having done the right thing. Pat on the back, Taurus! Success or attention is well earned. And actually no small miracle. We all know life’s not a fairy-tale but every so often, we just may get to be a princess or a prince for a day (or a week) again.

In a nutshell: A success setting full Moon offers spot-light seeking rewards. This week is no time to be shy. It’s also time to banish cynicism if that’s been clouding your ability to enjoy yourself. And revel in attention when it’s directed your way.

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (4th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (5th to 2nd)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (5th to 11th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (10th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (10th to 2nd)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (11th to 4th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 1st)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 11th)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (5th)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (5th to 2nd)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (5th)

Weekly Horoscopes August 19th 2024 - Fighting for freedom (4)GEMINI

Define your next big step

Solutions and opportunities buck the retro trend

What’s on offer could just be what you’ve been waiting for

Once the Sun reaches your 4th (22nd), along with Saturn in its ruling 10th, you need to be thinking in the long term as your security – both material and emotional, should be your paramount focus. And once ruler Mercury is back in here and no longer being shady, you’ll be in the perfect position to determine your focus from mid next month.

Substantial inroads towards those work and business ambitions can be made this cycle. Next month there will be moves to be made. These can be physical, emotional as well as scaling those rungs up the success ladder. No matter the form it appears in – it is set to elevate your status and sense of security on some level. The work you need to do is no longer to opt for: ‘It’s good enough for now’. Settling get behind you this Mercury retro! Lasting long term sustainability in terms of loving it – a path, a professional, place or person, is what you need to work on.

If Mars in your sign has one lasting message for you, it’s that you need action along with that talk. Or those plans. The lover who keeps you up all night with the latter and not the former may no longer cut it. Despite the usual stop/start/snafu/snark of your ruler retro, this week’s full Moon in your 9th trine Jupiter brings you something fulfilling or forward going which bucks the usual trend. It may even be made to order. Or someone could just out of the blue, perform a good deed for you without any agenda. Solutions, opportunities or even a fresh direction. If something’s on offer this week – just go with it. It could just take you where you need to get to next.

In a nutshell: A freedom creating full Moon in your 9th dissolves those retro blues and hands you the way out you’ve been looking for. Don’t forget – the planets work through those we encounter. And someone doing you a favour could just be Jupiter paying you a visit!

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (3rd)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (4th to 1st)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (4th to 10th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (9th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (9th to 1st)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (10th to 3rd)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 12th)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (1st to 10th)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (4th)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (4th to 1st)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (4th)

Weekly Horoscopes August 19th 2024 - Fighting for freedom (5)CANCER

Find your source

Outer changes reflect the shift within you

Just ask and get your answer!

If you seek, you’ll find this week, Cancer. Especially if what you are looking for is someone with the right advice, answers or experience you need. Seeing as you are the sign which is always there for everyone else – allow someone to perform the same role for you under this week’s full Moon in your 8th (19th).

Whatever this is – from something as simple as just a desire to find a better way to do things to a really big issue that has you flummoxed, your 8th is about your resources. And these include your knowledge bank of others. Follow those intuitive breadcrumbs. They will lead you to the source you seek. Thanks to the full Moon’s trine to Jupiter in your 12th and opposition to Mercury retro in your 2nd, you’ll either have a name in mind. Or be able to find who you need. And asking works out to your benefit.

This could prove to be just the start of a longer conversation that takes you places as the Sun shifts into your 3rd of contacts, communications, connections and commerce (22nd). Solutions, offers and opportunities could have you following up or using the information you’ve gathered to start something new.

If you’ve a yearning or something more than you currently have in your life, or that you’re tired of going it alone, a reach out not only hands you what’s been missing, but also resets your self-esteem if that’s flagging too. Others could see the reset button pressed on a financial matter. And honestly, Cancer. There’s nothing you can’t tackle and simply resigning yourself to ‘This is as good as it gets’ – well, surely you know by now you’re meant for something better? By retro’s end next month, you could be wondering just why you didn’t find something out sooner. Ask away.

In a nutshell: The full Moon in your 8th shows you that you are not powerless. And what you may be seeking can be found through accessing the wisdom of others. Do take it on board when you find it. The result could be big, beneficial change which shows you – life’s meant to be easy, Cancer.

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (2nd)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (3rd to 12th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 9th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (8th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (8th to 12th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (8th to 2nd)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 11th)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (12th to 9th)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (3rd)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (3rd to 12th)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (3rd)

Weekly Horoscopes August 19th 2024 - Fighting for freedom (6)LEO

Summon that star quality!

Focus on what’s right – not what’s not

The bigger the dream, the brighter the outcome

If you’re going to wish upon a star – then make it a big fat one. And a big fat wish, Leo. Buck the retro trend this week under the full Moon in your 7th trine big, fat planet Jupiter in your wish sector. The Moon also opposes retro Mercury in your sign. Pointing to something you have been wishing, hoping and even working towards for a while. No flash in the pan – this is pure illumination around something or someone you’ve had in mind. Time to summon every atom of that star quality, Leo. And act with that signature confidence. Give the universe something big to work with. And that includes that inner belief in yourself.

A partnership may feature. Be this personal or professional. That ride or die, fellow mischief maker or collaborator. Your hopes and dreams plus your joint vision of the future is entangled. And undergoes the shift that’s needed. Of course, if something is no longer fit for purpose – that’s clear too due to Venus’s opposition to Saturn this same day. But if your values and vision are aligned – you’ll take that next step together.

Ruler the Sun leaves you this week (22nd) bringing you a month of the Midas touch when it comes to your money. Now – that doesn’t mean you can splash that cash around. In fact, Mercury retro and returning to this house asks you keep spending to only what you need as opposed to what you may want. This is about using what you have to the greatest effect. And investing in what increases your sense of value. Also – the Sun illuminates what’s right for you now. Not what isn’t. This is a ‘Can’t see the wood for the trees’ moment for you. When you stop looking at what’s not right – and feeding it with your energy, and focus on what’s perfectly right instead. Now you see it – you can increase it. It’s a big, fat, richer focus, Leo.

In a nutshell: You’re the cat’s meow even when the Sun exits your sign this week. Suddenly you see what’s working in your favour. And you’re working it like nobody else under this week’s full Moon. I am Leo. See me roar!

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (1st)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (2nd to 11th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 8th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (7th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (7th to 11th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (7th to 1st)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 10th)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (11th to 8th)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (2nd)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (2nd to 11th)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (2nd)

Weekly Horoscopes August 19th 2024 - Fighting for freedom (7)VIRGO

Revivals lead to new beginnings

Cooperation and crafting your approach gets you that result

Time to celebrate YOU!

Had you thought that the retro-vibes which colour the start on your birthday cycle are in fact bang on trend, Virgo? There’s something long term that’s demanding you re-pledge your devotion to it. Or simply pick up where you left off. That soul revival could give you exactly the update you’ve been craving. So, use the energy to make something old new again as the Sun reaches your sign (22nd).

It’s a timely move on your part. And also, a long term strategy or simply your patience could pay off under the full Moon in your 6th (19th). Do ensure that you have a clear idea of the result you’re after in work or career matters. And also how you want to be seen for the upcoming year. Especially if you are dealing with heavy-hitters, people in positions of authority and influence or anyone who has access to what you’re after. A well-crafted, thought out you says it all, Virgo.

Yes, you may be out to win approval, backing or attention from someone at the top. Or who is top of your personal emotional hierarchy. This could just as easily be that potential partner as it could be that potential boss, client or decision maker. You could also find yourself aligned with someone influential or you team up with someone who compliments your own skill set to get the result you’re after. A spirit of cooperation or even joining forces could get you that win/win or a fresh start for a new era.

In a nutshell: Happy birthday, Virgo! Refine, relaunch, redefine that image and personal brand. You are your greatest asset so treat yourself accordingly and prepare to make your first impression your best shot. Ruler Mercury allows for image adjustments.

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (12th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (1st to 10th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (1st to 7th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (6th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (6th to 10th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (6th to 12th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 9th)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (10th to 7th)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (1st)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (1st to 10th)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (1st)

Weekly Horoscopes August 19th 2024 - Fighting for freedom (8)LIBRA

In the pause find peace and purpose

Don’t miss the magic of the moment

No matter the speed – you’re on the move!

In what is now the lead-up to your fresh cycle, the message from the universe as the Sun enters your 12th (22nd), is to find the magic and contentment in the moment. We can become so busy or even fixated on manifesting that goal, that we miss the magic and potential that surrounds us right now. So, for the next month, especially until Mercury clears its retroshade, be mindful. Breathe.

Look for the bliss that’s available to you right now. Don’t be in too much of a rush to meet that awe-inspiring, magnificent vision you imagine yourself having or living. Instead look at what is being served up for you right now. It can be something as simple as a sunset. Or as major as a big, breathtaking love. And just about everything in between. But whether its a high or not so much, it happens to be a gift. You don’t want to miss it.

That doesn’t mean to say that the new isn’t crowding in. Something worth sharing, Insta-fabulous, and which moves you ahead is yours to experience with this week’s full Moon in your 5th. Especially as it trines Jupiter in its ruling 9th house in your chart. The feeling is that rare combination of you knowing you are moving towards something, combined with achievement and a sense of satisfaction you gain from that. This is an especially good week for exams, showing off your skills, travel (just heed the retro advice for this period), or attracting the right kind of attention you’ve been missing. And this all stems from you taking that initial action earlier.

But once you’ve arrived or know that result is yours – savour the moment. It’s just a pause between this step – and the next even bigger one.

In a nutshell: Venus and the Sun in your 12th enhance your creativity and intuitive skills. And also remind you not to miss the moment because you’re future-projecting, Libra. Just be. Life picks up the pace again soon enough.

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (11th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (12th to 9th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (12th to 6th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (5th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (5th to 9th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (5th to 11th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 8th)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (9th to 6th)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (12th)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (12th to 9th)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (12th)

Weekly Horoscopes August 19th 2024 - Fighting for freedom (9)SCORPIO

Own your path

Transformation begins with changing our thoughts

The Phoenix House Rules

You’re invited to view something very differently this week, Scorpio. It’s not often this occurs. And when it does, it has the power to shift our path. Or even our souls.

The full Moon is in its ruling 4th. So – it’s extra emotionally potent for you. It trines Jupiter in your house of alchemy (19th). You’ll be aware of what supports you but also what keeps you stuck or tied to the past – due to the Moon also opposing retro Mercury in your 10th. This is an invitation to switch something up or even change direction if it no longer works for you. And take it you have access to an inner wisdom that you had to go through the journey that brought you to this moment to access.

If you have allowed the opinions of others to unduly influence your choices to this point, you’ll understand the effect this has had. And no longer choose to give them house room. This is your life and nobody else’s to live. If you have been made to feel inadequate, not good enough or not important enough – that stops too. And all due to something that reframes how you see things.

If you look back you’ll suddenly recognise the times in the past where things changed because you changed your ideas around it. Gains this week are the result of your reawakened sense of empowerment. And a change in how you see yourself from this point onwards. Just in time, the Sun lights up your future path as it enters your house of friends and goals (11th). And for the next month you’ll understand what a difference you make to the lives of others. And to your own. Discover you are more than you gave yourself credit for this week.

In a nutshell: Claim your destiny and your path this week. And yes, you do get to re-write your own rules, Scorpio. And ditch any residual beliefs around not being good enough while you’re at it. The futures yours to design.

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (10th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (11th to 8th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (11th to 5th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (4th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (4th to 8th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (4th to 10th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 7th)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (8th to 5th)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (11th)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (11th to 8th)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (11th)

Weekly Horoscopes August 19th 2024 - Fighting for freedom (10)SAGITTARIUS

Prepare to take that next step

Feed that focus

Be the next big thing!

The next big thing is making itself known this week, Sag. Maybe its been on your radar for a while. That idea you’ve been hot housing. That potential relationship. That project, plan or passion. The news you’ve been waiting for or simply the right moment to make your move.

Whatever it is, you’re not about to let it pass you by. Or fail to follow through on that lightbulb moment under this week’s enticing and inviting full Moon in your 3rd. Something or someone asks for your response. Or your request of them is to the affirmative thanks to this Moon’s dynamic angle to ruler Jupiter in your 7th (19th).

Someone may act as a coach, guide, mentor, strength trainer or simply be there boosting your belief that yes, you CAN, Sag! But ultimately, you are the one that takes you over the threshold and gets that result. As this day offers a respite from the usual Mercury retro mayhem, move like a Ninja but keep the rules in mind – just in case. Especially if travelling.

We’re in massive mutable weather once the Sun crosses into your 10th (22nd). Bringing your yearly attainment and achievement peak. You are ready to step into a new challenge. And also may be focussed on that for the next month. You don’t do needy and this week is no exception. If someone is expecting you to drop what you are doing and is a fully fledged, capable adult in their own right, you are unlikely to reshuffle either priorities or your busy schedule. Something has your undivided attention now. The rest will just have to get in line and wait. And let’s face it – you’re worth waiting for.

In a nutshell: This week’s full Moon and its angle to ruler Jupiter busts you free from retro blues. News you have been waiting on could arrive. Or you are poised to take that rediscovered pathway. No distractions. Just pure focus, Sag.

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (9th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (10th to 7th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (10th to 4th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (3rd)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (3rd to 7th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (3rd to 9th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 6th)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (7th to 4th)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (10th)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (10th to 7th)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (10th)

Weekly Horoscopes August 19th 2024 - Fighting for freedom (11)CAPRICORN

Seek the alternative explanation

Detox those thoughts

Delays work in your favour

Do suspend judgement or avoid jumping to conclusions this week as Venus in your 9th opposes ruler Saturn in your 3rd the day of the full Moon in your 2nd.

This could concern something you have been working towards or investing in. Certainly there’s time, tenderness and talent involved. Perhaps all three or a mix. What I would say is that you have arrived at a key stage. But not the final outcome. This is due to Mercury retrograde in your 8th. So, no matter what is going on – and this includes your own emotional dissatisfaction or meh – it’s not over until the fat planet sings. And Mercury clears retroshadow in your 9th next month.

Yes, the Moon does trine fat planet Jupiter in your 6th. For some of you, this could mark work rewards or a better offer. But for those of you unsure or just disappointed in your progress, avoid the obvious pitfall of spending too much time in your own head re-running what you believe you may have done wrong. Or could have done differently.

Declutter your mind because there amongst the crowded airwaves of your thoughts is one shining path or idea. You are at a way station this week. A cosmic departure lounge where you could be hanging around due to a flight delay. Don’t worry. You’re leaving very soon. It’s one stop on a much longer journey for you. Do you need to run the numbers again? Rebalance that budget? Or simply look for an alternative departure? The Sun’s arrival into your 9th tells you that you’re not stuck – just in transit. Prepare for boarding as by the second week of September you’re clear for take-off again. And know where you’re going to land.

In a nutshell: Avoid spending too much time in your own head re-running ‘What if?’ tapes, Cappy. There’s little to be gained from revisiting the past. And don’t imagine you’re stuck either. You’re merely in transit – between one cycle and the new.

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (8th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (9th to 6th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (9th to 3rd)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (2nd)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (2nd to 6th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (2nd to 8th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 5th)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (6th to 3rd)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (9th)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (9th to 6th)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (9th)

Weekly Horoscopes August 19th 2024 - Fighting for freedom (12)AQUARIUS

Is that focus mutual?

You have access to more

It’s okay to need to be seen, valued and loved!

You have a protracted partnership peak this year thanks to Mercury retrograde in your 7th. Along with a full Moon in your sign (19th) which opposes Mercury, don’t be surprised if your question is: So what about me?! And that’s okay, Aquarius. We all need to know once in a while that we are somebody’s main priority and #1. We’re valued, loved, special and above all – seen. You know when you give this to another. And you also know when you get that back. Basking in the bright light of someone’s attention is our right in a relationship. Provided of course, we give the other party our complete focus when they need it.

Don’t be afraid to ask that special someone if they are getting from you what they need. But do also express what you need back. Show up and ensure that you also know who will show up for you. Yes, due to this Moon’s trine to Jupiter in your 5th, you may be the centre of someone’s attention now. You’ll be there in return when needed.

One of life’s most joy-filled moments is discovering you and another see things the same way. Or are both facing the same direction. As well as knowing you are an important part of someone’s life. Or have the potential to be. Expect to be included in someone’s plans – or they yours, because you discover you both want the same thing. This may not necessarily be with a partner or a romantic interest. But all that matters is that two intentions are in sync.

The Sun moves into your all-empowering 8th (22nd). Discovering you and another party are on the same page could put additional resources at your disposal. Yes, you may still have some fine tuning to do. This week, two equals more than the sum of the individual parts.

In a nutshell: A full Moon of mutual attraction and giving illuminates your sign. And under its influence, it’s totally okay to ask whether or not you’re getting enough, Aquarius! Enough focus back and that feeling you’re valued and above all – seen.

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (7th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (8th to 5th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (8th to 2nd)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (1st)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (1st to 5th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (1st to 7th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 4th)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (5th to 2nd)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (8th)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (8th to 5th)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (8th)

Weekly Horoscopes August 19th 2024 - Fighting for freedom (13)PISCES

Forgive the past and release it

Recapture that loving feeling

Give yourself the same focus you give to others

Like the Aquarians next door, you have an extra long yearly partnership peak due to Mercury retrograde. Venus in its ruling 7th is also responsible for extending this for you. And just prior to the Sun’s entry in here (22nd), opposes Saturn in your sign on the 19th.

This is also the day of the full Moon in your 12th which in turn trines ancient ruler Jupiter in the Moon’s ruling 4th. You’ll be insightful and attuned to the emotions of others now. But don’t ignore your own in the process. Especially if you have a history of putting others before yourself. Or have been indoctrinated in the belief that asking for what you need is selfish. Or worse – that others are supposed to automatically know what these are even if you don’t vocalise them.

Transparency goes a long way this week. So, share your innermost thoughts, Pisces. Being on the cusp of a new cycle of relatedness and attraction, change not just your channel, but if you are planning on embarking on the search for someone new, your ideas around just who might complete you. (You are already complete just the way you are – but that’s another discussion!). Look to past patterns, find the similarities between those old flames and in the spirit of forgiveness – to them and yourself, release with understanding. Even if you can’t do it with love.

It’s by knowing ourselves – the way we think, how we came to think it and also understanding our own needs, that sets us up for improving current relationships. And attracting the right one in. Dedicate yourself to this practice no matter your current relationship status. Remember – all connections, even to close friends, the people you work with, collaborators and activity partners, are love. If you lost that loving feeling along the way – late summer recaptures it for you.

In a nutshell: The full Moon in your 12th asks you clear up past residue when it comes to love and relationships. Start your yearly partnership with a clean slate. You don’t have to forgive – but you can release and let go, Pisces.

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (6th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (7th to 4th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (7th to 1st)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (12th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (12th to 4th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (12th to 6th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 3rd)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (4th to 1st)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (7th)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (7th to 4th)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (7th)

Weekly Horoscopes August 19th 2024 - Fighting for freedom (14)

Hooray! You can now order my Tarot deck and in-depth Tarot book. I put my heart into every page. Big love, Michele.

Tarot Deck Guide Book
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Weekly Horoscopes August 19th 2024 - Fighting for freedom (2024)


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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.