The Leader-Post from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada (2024)


ORDER FORM Advertising pmyu riThe Morting Leader and Regina Daily Port (Evening). Why not try ad. to rent your house or rooms, buy or sell, seenre a situation, or obtain helpf. Advertisem*nts will appear in both papers. Rates, 13o per 11ns per isj.

Count firs spaees to one line. Croupe of fir figures, initial letters, eonnt as one word. Address forms part of ad. and must be paid for. Use this Blank.

Write plainly in penciL Publish this ad. lStaaa AddfDSS far which eaeloM '1 evjPs'" Cut Out and fuail to The Leader Publishing Ltd, Regina, SasL PubUsherw off The Memlng. Leader and Thw Resin Dally Pa4 (Evening) SASKATCHEWAN'S GREATEST WANT AD. AIEDIUIIS CIRCULATION. 33.000 DAILY in Severe Cold Weather TSARS OF EXPERIMENTS Torsrala la Seat to Sir Ernest Shackleton, Now on His Way to South era Regions crrTAvrx.

rc vrtsea sir Ernest Saackleton. tie famous explorer, starts the enr-s motor and with comparative tuo la the cold of lie Antarctic regions, it will be because ef the laventive genius and persistency of Prof. P-obb. of tee University of AIbria. ar-d tie members cf the Associated Aero Research Com.

mlr-ee of the Cuiada Air Board. Acting la co-operation with tha board official. Prof. Ret baa perfected an ether pre para: ion. the use of which permits the ready starting ef motor engines at 37 degrees fce-Jow zero.

To Years ef Experimenting The formula for the preparation. together Christmae greetings end best wishes have been cabled to fcir Ernest Shackleton now on way to the antarctic ice fields. Describing the of the sac-cess of the formula Col. IX W. Stead-man, technical director ef the Cana- dian Air Board said Canada was t.i only country modern sir facilities whre such experiment could" have brought to a successful conclusion.

rcngine x-perts In other countries were hin dered la developing such expert-, ments on account of climatic condl- tlocs Prof. Kot after tww years of experiment for the board has frowned his efforts wln success. Prof. Robb's method and the exact formula have not been made public bat CoL Steadman stats that In order to insure the erguae used in the experiments beratr sufficiently Void it was left outdoor all Bight. Prof.

Bobb's efforts to start It being confined to the earTy hoars of the morning. No More Stalled Engines TSo possibility of Canadian air-board planes being comreiled to land through engine trouble in the northern wastes or in fact anywhere la Canada during the wtmsr months Urst brought home the necessity of 3st such a preparation as that discovered bv Prof. Botx Formerly when airplanes were compelled to land away from their bases in winter was picticaily impossible to aaaia start the engine. J'ow. however, military, as well as civil air-mea.

engaged In exploration or other work for Government departments will be able to fly it winter without fear of consequences stalled, engines. The application of this preparation to Mhry motor engires. automobile and trocas Is consiiered only a matter time and will the means of overcoming one ef lh-t chief dim fulfil cf winter automebillng. Willi 1 PHOTOGRAPHY AMATEUR FINISHING REPAIRS fNITED TTPE-writers, new and second-hand; repairs, office euppllea. etc Ca fr.

or terms, I860 Cornwall. Phone 3 452. REGINA. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 1716 Scarth. L.

C. Smith and Corona Typewriters. UPHOLSTERERS L. E. WEAVER FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED AND repaired; autos upbolste-ed acd re-topped; carpets cleaned.

1919 bmlia 8L Phone 5621. SMITH'S UPHOLSTERY. 21 1 Ate bert Street. Antos upholstered fornittrre recovered. Phone 7751.

VULCANIZING REGINA TIRS AND P.EPAIR CO. Guaranteed vulcanizing and retreading at reasonable rates. Kew tires aae accessories. 1703 SCARTH ST. Regina.

WINDOW CLEANING WINDOWS CLEANED AND STORM put up and sealed. Phone 2445. CITY WINDOW CLEANERS. PHONE 81 54 Jan 4 PROPOSE SYSTEM OF. INDUSTRIAL CREDIT Winnipeg Trades and Labor Council Now Plans Assistance for Smaller Concerns WTNXIFEG, Dec 26- A eystezi of Industrial credits similar to the ruraj credits scheme will be put into operation early in the new year by the Trades and Labor Co'j-ci it became known today.

The proposal, which is only in a tentative form, will to loan money to small Industrial concerns, truer, as storekeepers, small merchants, small manufacturers and tradesmen, in business or wishing to engage in business on their own account. Security win be required In every cs. Administration of the plan will closely the procedure the rural credits scheme. It ia estimated J5.000.000 will be needei finance the undertaking' and this ii be raised by means cf a loan. Th province will be asiced to guars rrree the bonds.

The money will be out at a slightly higher rate cf interest than it costs, to provide for administration expense. EX-SOLDIERS SELL TOYS ON MONTREAL STREETS MONTREAL Dec 2. Corsica -us on the streets of this city were the figures of scores tf ployed, pcr.r.nes,s ex-soldicrs -r. aaen wiih smalt tn boxes ana pa-K ages of 'green tags, are tfanidly soli citing- aaa lor themselves and Ijr their companions. The tags they are tocTay seKisg ar inscribed" wita the words: "Ilt.p keep the man who fought fcr yoa from starving: MORE PROVLSIOir TO ASSIST FARMERS IN ALBERTA DRY AREA OTTAWA.

Dec 2d. Provisicn ha3 been raaae ty whereby the from cf 113,003 is set aside as the Dorr in Son Goveramer. allotment toward farmers in the dry area of Southern Alberta. A joint agreement has been rea." tti between the Dominion Govercmsr, the Provincial Government and railway whereby feed will be transported into the districts which suffered, drougbt cturing the summer of 192H. and cattle will be shipped out to feeding points and returned, freight paid.

Kaea part" to the arrangement wili con-ibute eQ-aliy. Owing to the comparatively smih area affected, the present amount ia considerably than that set asiie inlSl- and In 1S29, no less than 8350.000 was at asid by the Dominion for this purpcs axd a similar amount in the year previous. CHILD RCA.LDED TO DEATH MONTREAL, Dec- 2i. CumhL-g up to reach some preserves that had ben stored, in ai cupboard. Leonard Davis slipped and fell into a wash-tub of boiling- water and died later.

IDENTIFY BODY MANKATO, Minn, Dec. 26. The body of the man found in the schoolhonse near Dayton, early Thursday is believed ta be that of Frank L. Kelly, salesman for a local attomobile company and former member of the state legislature, according to officials of three count'os here investigating. -L.

ser Smith. J. A. McGregor. Royal Bank entrance Hamilton opposite Utaegow iloue.

fnon lt. tt DR. C. II. WE1CKER, OFFICE SUITES 203-204 Weatman C'liamt-era.

Koae oppo-it City Hall. inone 4962. if DR. It f.fcDERMAN. OFFICE: bUITfi lOi-S WWtman Cbamoets, Koae si.

Phone 23I. tf DR. DAVID BARNEB. D12NTIST. 111! fecarlb tront room Phone siSg.

tf DK. tj. K. UL'EKIN, DblN XA1. fcU-geon.

1722 ficaxtb St. tf DR. LOU LEITCH. I0J WE3TMAN Chamber. Phone tf PR.

IRWIN ROBB. 27 CANADA LIFB Bldg. 11th Ave. Pbone tf PR HKKrfKRTM SCHWEITZER, 701 McCallcm-HUl Bldg. Phone 6862.

tf DR. K. W. MOU.VEER. OFFICE 89 McCAllu-n-Hili Bldg.

Phone ia72 tt DR. M. R. PARKIN. 411 McCALLUM-Hill Bldg.

Phone tt DR. S. J. BIRNS, ROOM Scarth St. Phone 4411., 17.

lilt tf EXCHANGE GRAMOPHONE TtrCORD Exchange. Jolly Blk. South Rer'na. ENGINEERS SURVEYORS S. O.

McDOUOALU CIVIL ENGINEER, Wellington Street. Ottawa. Information re Lands and Natural Resources obtained from Dominion Government with speed and accuracy. tf 6. S.

CAUEkOK Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Scarth St. Phone 214 7. 1779 SMITH AND PHILLIPS. 180 Cornwall St. Phone S04.

-tf FLORISTS KEGrNA FLORIST COnLTD. Capitol Theater Building. XMAS TREES HAMILTON STREET, weaoiag Bouquets. FuneriK Design PHONE 2987. IT WILL BE APPRECIATED IF TOU mention this paper when answering advertisem*nts.

FURRIERS FURS DTED. REPAIRED, REMOD-elled. cleaned and re-lined. Country orders special attention. Parlsienne Tailors acd.

Fnrrlers. 1947 Scarth. tf TT Wtt.t. RT eeprn atb-i- r-m- answer laj eAvertisemsnta. FOUNDRY THE REGINA FOtTNDRT.

LIMITED. Iron Founders. Mechanics. Black smith, waterworks equipment, structural steel, fire escapes built and erected, shafting, haagers, Kae and steam engines repaired. Telephone Pl-th and Lome.

tf ICE CAPITAL ICE LTD. WHOLE-sale and retail. Phone 8184. Office. ni scarth street.

IT WILL BE APPRECIATED IF TOC mention this paper when answering advertisem*nts. LAND SURVEYORS PARSONS ENGINEERING EN-gineers. Surveyors. 1704 Scarth SL Pbone 2 SO. Drafting, blue printing.

it W. R. REILLT. Chambers. Phone 140S WESTMAN IT WIU, BE APPRECIATED IF TOU mention this paper when answeriag LIGHTING SYSTEMS LAMPS AND LANTERNS OF ALL kinds for lighting emaTt town stores, churches, poolrooms, etc.

Largest dealers In gasoUne lijrhtinr goods In Canada. Write or phone The Western Lighting Agencies. Limited, Saskatoon. Sask. 304 IT WILL BE APPRECIATED IF TOU mention this naner when answerlnx LAUNDRIES GIVE THE NEW STEAM LAUNDRY your bund'e and get good work and prompt delivery Phone 4422.

IT WILL BE IF YOU snentlon tfci' papsr woea answeriag adtertlseroents. LADIES' TAILORS PARISIENNB TAIIX3RS AND FURRIERS. 1947 Scarth St. Phone 6725. tf IT WILL BE APPRECIATED IF YOU mention this paper when answering advertisem*nts.

14 IN AND A.NDEHSOS. Black Building. Pnone 1110 CROSS. JONAH. HIT Gil i'McCalium-ilU Blag.

FORBfid. 1'nons it- tf CARROTHERS WIDLIAM5, BAR. riiltri. etc Chambers. Al'STlN S.

TKUTTER. LL. Cuitda. Ufa BidgA Telethon 24f. MeMU KOHV 3OVi.K, I BAKRI tera.

Phone 87JS. OracesrJJairke Blocs ARCHIBALD R- TiJiOLEI. iZ.C 808 McCalluro-Hill BUig. Phone 245L if JOHN KEN'STEIN. BARRISTER.

100 McCallum-Hlll Bldg. Pbne Ilt4. tr IT WILL. BE APPRECIATED IF TOO mention this paper when answering advertisem*nts. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Q.

C. ROOKE CO. Chartered AcosntanU. AoAHs. and Systms.

tVDeciallsts in Kedeil Tti Problem. 101-S Leader Buildli.g. Phone S0S2. G. Hooka.

C.A. D. Dawson, DAWfO.V, A R05R0R0U(IH. Chartered Accountants. Audit.

Investigations. -Income Ta F-etum Rovrf! Bank Oambers. Re-rtn. Phone STS Falrford St. W.

Sfooe Jaw. Phone 4 591. IT VILL B5 APRBXTIATED IF TOU mention hU paper when answering edvertlsem*nts. CONTRACTORS POOLE CONSTRUCTION LTD. contractors and engineers: estimates; alterations Hamilton St.

Phones 2413. BolS. tf DRY BANCROFT. CONTRACTORS. Concrete and brick work.

Repairs attended to. Phone 7251. IT WILL PB APPRECIATED IF TOD mention this papsr when answering advertisem*nts. CHIROPRACTORS CR. O.

A BLACKWELI CHIRO-practor; l'nd Saskatchewan. Orad-tae Palmer School OT Chiropractic, Davenport. Iowa. Over l-ht year continuous practice in Regin. Suite attack Bvllding Phone 12 ii.

IT WILL BE APPRECIATED TF TOU nentlnn this paper wnen an srerlng CARPET BEATERS PARISIAN DTE WORKS, Read offW. 1842 Robinson. SMS. erirh oince. 1931 Scarth.

PL. 4414. tf IT WILL BE APPRECIATED IF TOU mention this paper when answering cleaning and pressing PARISIAN DTE WORKS. Head oHicey 14 Robinson. Ph.

8601. Branca biSca. 1932 Scarth, Ph. 4414. tf 50S WILL S-PONqE AND PRESS your oult.

Call or phone 6715. Pansier ne Tailors, 147 Scarth. tf IT WILL BS APPRECTATED IF TOTT mention thl paper when answering advertisem*nts. CORSE TRY fPIRELit COrtSETS MADE TO OR-der 1 Soith Block, 1755 Rose. YLone 4891 17 WILL BE APPRECIATED IF TOO mention thl paper wnen answering le en DYEKS AND CLEANERS ARTHUR ROSE.

DRT CLEAN-ers and dyers de iuzes jfembers of he Master Dyers and Cleaners Assn. "If Rose cleaned it. It's dean." 11 Scarth t- Pbone 7237. tf MT Dyers fend Cleaners. 182 Hamlltoa Street.

Pbone 128. Members of the Mavter Dyers and Association. tf PARISIAN DTE WORKS. Head ofTlce. 1843 Robinson.

Pa. SS01. Branchy otSce, 113 Scarth. Ph. 4414.

tf DRESSMAKING PUIN AND FANCT SEWING, terms reasonable. 1931 Robinson. Pbone 4998 Dec 2 SEWING DONE AT HOME. TERMS reasonable. Box 339.

Leader. 300 DANCING LESSONS DANCING TAUGHT by an expert teacher, rates. Pbone 8031. PRIVATELY Reasonable Jan. 21 BARNES PANCI-N-t ACADEMY.

block. Pbone 20C5. DERMATOLOGIST McCALLl" M. SPECIALIST IN eleetrolynis. -facial and scalp treatments, etc- No.

1 Banner Blag. Phone Rea-ins Trading Co Second Floor. Phone 414 8. tf I PHONES 2S2S-6368 cat or night. txtia.

motor equipment. creexwood fu.neral home. IT WHO, BE APPRECIATED if TOU mention tnis paper when answering adve-tlnents. AUTO BATTERIES" WIJLLAiB 6TOIWOE BATTEBI SERVIfB Watch your battery. A discharged battery will freeze at a little below 32.

A full charred battery will not frees at below. Drive to today for the test. 0 1 0 to JLiiisnppIJes. Ltd.iiW 1721-2S Lorn St. Phone 4Sli IS ACETYINE WELDING CYLKiDEIl GRINDING Cylinders ground and fitted with oversize pistons an rings.

Crank shafts trued up. Heald and Landls reach 1c ee se exclusively. PROMPT SERVICE SASK. MOTOR CO, LTD. Ro st.

lbone 447 tf irJZtJTT.V WfcLD AN -THING a -f aeedle to a tractor. VioT "1 radiators repaired. Mevnaa Motor Co, LtL. ll4 Lorsa atreet. Reglna.

Phone 8541 -tf WEHI-a SHOP. I7I Osier St. Phu -JIU11- Stei Radtorl tf FEG1NA MECMANaoB. EXPERT i an rnetajm itu xii.hi.. work lets Smith St.

Phone Hit. AGREEMENTS OP a AGRtiUEyia Of 0AAe AND aoortgagee purchased, money to loaa a resiocaual property and farm a. urauger. second Darke Block. floor.

WE HAVE TRUST FUNDS FOR THE purcnaae ol agreements oa city property. STERLING XRtTSTS CORPORATION, Phone 26 S3. tf ARCHITECTS RE1LLT. DAWSON 4k REILDT. AR-Weetmaa Cham- Chitects.

surveyors. bra. Phoaa 14ww. ar. tht DVV wrVo mvniir'tl advertise stent.

BARRISTERS A.N0UiiJ.S. SAMPLE, AaTNB fiOU.NA.N. Barristers imi oolicitors. McCallam- asil Building. Rerina- M.

Afider ca- Percy 3eCualg Ai.deraoai; Aiex. F. Samcie; U. Murray ttayae. V.

It. Cifflcea. duties 25-201 McCallnm-Hlil Buaiding. bon 2sl. tf oTAPLETOX GtitKASU BarrlstereA solicitors, Notarjes.

J. J. giapieton. M.A.

D. Gerrand. liA. Suits ZOi. Darae Block.

Reglna. Phone 14(7. Also office at Nokooia Saek. tKAkb KUB1KSOS. BARRISTERS Sotieitors.

Oil licCmlum-hiil dg Regtra. i. F. rame. l.U K.C.; L.

McK. Rooinsoa. LL.B. BRTANT a HCrtflUWS, Barristere. Solictors and Notaries, Banner BTOck.

llta neiini. James F. Bryant. H.A, C- H- Burrows. D4V fcnrtlsTER Solicitor, etc.

1 McCallam-Hl 1 Bidg Member of the Ontario. Manitoba aaJ baskatchewaa Bars, phone 211. MeN EEL A HOWtS. BARRISTERS. tjoIicUors.

etc P. G. Houges; A. M-Neel. Offices.

711-714 McCaauo Htll Baltdine. PHone 2H. k. aA, bar- ruter. fial'-eitor.

etc Nay James Block. Hemtiton St. Phone IfcO. A KESKEDT. BARRIS-ters.

Notaries, 40 Darke Block. (eorgS. Kennedy; John becord. uokDoN. KEUW.

AND Colline. Karri etc. Aldoo BuuU- Ins- Phone tSl. jl baoshaw. baRRISTKR.

so (i-if rr end notary. Suite 2. aiasonie Temple Building. Regina. tf A ALLAN FISHER.

BARRISTER. Solicitor and Notary. 1011 McCallum-Htil Bldg. Phone 1228. BARK.

STEWART. JOFNSTON A Cumtnlng. Canada Life Bldg. Phone 2(91. MUTT AND BBSSSBSs-BBBSiSSSWaWS- I'S III I the ailvent of powr to tfart engines -at 3T below xero. who now STURET VAN EGMtD. ARCH I-have to srend a great ti-al of time tecta McCallnm-HUi Biag. fhon. -warm r.g their engines at the expense tc- MUSICAL CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC REGINA COLLEGE F. G.

KiLLM ASTER. B.A. Mus. Eac F.CCO-. Director.


Toronto Conservatory method. tf VIOLIN AND THEORY THOROUOH-ly taught. Frank Barnes. ltl AthoL ja i MRS. MOON, TEACHER PIANO, theory.

Will visit pupils. Phone 60S9. v. 302 MARION B. KINNE.

VIOLIN teacher. Boyle-Wright Block. Room 4. tf WM. tJUCKLET.

PIANO. SINGING acd Theory. 101 Slmpklns Block. tf MISS M. R.

MURRAT. PIANO. SING-lrg. Loyle-Wright Block. Phone 461.

H. J. RECORD. L.L.C.M.. PIANO and' Theory.

10S9 Cameron St. Jan. 24 J. HENRY VOICE. PIANO.

THEORT 1739 f-raith St Phone 8214. tf a MATERNITY HOSPITALS MRS. OOD. PRl VATK MATERN IT hospital, graduate nurse in attendance. 2247 Mcintyre St.

Phone 4281. roTTA'iE HOSPITAU 2800 SMITH fit. Medical and maternity. Mrs. Wlt-terbotnatn Matron Phone 3878 tt MEDICAL DR.

ALBEKT MATHIEU. From West CiiiT Hospital England). Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Glasses Fitted and Supplied.

Room 212. McCallum-Hill Bidg. DR. S. KRAMINSKY Physician and Surgeon.

Hours: S-S: 7 Office pbone 7818. 101 Westmatk Chambers. Res. phone 81l7 tf DR. A M.

SAVOIE. PHYSICIAN. Specialist In lung and heart diseases. 812 McCllum-HlU Bldg. Office phone 8494: house phone 2315.

tt DR. MLNRO. SKIN. GENITO tJRtN-sry and venereal diseases. Bk.

of Com merce. Main and Alex. Ava. Winnipeg. DR T.

J. GRAT. EYE. EAR. NOSE and" throat 05 McCallum-HUl Bldg Phone 5881 tf IT WILL BE APPRECIATED IF YOU mention this paper when answering advertisem*nts MASSAGE MRS.

BROWN. owe NORTHERN Crown Building. 1821 Scarth: baths mntirf. electrical treatments. Office phone 7156: house phone 7888.

tf MISS MacLENNAN, man Chambers. Phone 21 WEST-74 Dec 51 IT WILL BE APPRECIATED IF YOU mention this paper when answering 1 MARRIAGE LICENSES WHEATLKTf BRO, 17SS-8J SCARTH St- jewelers and opticians. IT WILL BE APPRECIATED IF YOU mention this papet wnen answering advertisem*nts. was some picker. r1 I WA SCAMreRlfVG ACROSS OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS A.

O. ORCHARD, OPTOMETRIST, The Kryptok Man, Repairs by mail solicited. Phone Ills. 313-114 Bidg. tf F.

T. PARKER. OPTOMETRIST AND Optician. 1844 Scarth SL Pbone C024. Rea.

phone 2266.., WHEATLY REGISTERED optometrist in -charge. 1734-37 carth Street. H. S. McCLUNO, OPTOMETRIST.

Suite 818-814 M-OaTlum-HUl Bldg. PUBLIC ADVISERS PROP. ALOYIU3 Professional Adviser and Sympathiser. 'Office hours. 9 to 12 a.m..

2 to 6 p.m.; also 7 to p.m.. Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. 2034 Albert Street. Jan. 18 AND HEATING REPAIRS FOR PROMPT AND Efficient repairs to your 'plumbing or beating plant phone 3802 for practical man.

Vagg, Wiiaon A Co 1801 Ke-tallaek St. T. STEWART A CO. PHONfi 432. Plumbing and Heating Engineera, Prompt attention to all your repairs by thorough, practical workmen, lili Aioert St- PUB PLUMBINO AND TINSMITH-tbg phone 7284.

Estimates free. Re-rairing a specialty. T. Hastings A Co. cor.

Fifth Ave. and Retallack. tf B. ROANTREi. A COMPANY, plumbing, heating and tlnsmlthing.

Phone 6119. 1722 Cornwall St. tf PITTS BROS, SANITARY" PLUMB-ing and heating engineers. Estimaxes free, phone 5012. 1833 Osier St- AM ES ADAM.

SANITARY AND beating engineer. Phone ISIS. 2111 South Railway Street. IT WILL BE APPRECIATED IF YOU mention this paper- when answering rxCilNG DECORATING ROBINSON LTD. ruouas, JJecorattng.

Kaleomining. Olass and Glazing. Domestics and imported Wall pep e. Estimates Furnished. 1841 LORNE PHONE 4651 W.

R. TALBOT A CO. Painting. Kaisominlng, Papering. Glasa Glad to furnish prices.

Cornwall St. Phone 4557. a MOLTER, PAINTING AND PA-perhanging. sign writing and kalso-mining. PUtnes 4535.

1954 Halifax. Estimates free. Country wor solicited. tf HARRIS A CC-. PAPERHaNGERj and Decorators.

Cor. Twelfth Ave. and Albert St. Phone 4984 for 1931 wail, paper samples. K.

NEATL. PAINTER. PAPER-hanger and decorator. 1539 Athol St for wallpaper samples. tf IT WILL BE 'APPRECIATED IF YOU mention this paper wnen answering sde-tement PORTRAITURE CAPITAL FKOTU oTUDiO.

P. A Butcher. Prop. 1745 Scarth opo. Klnes HoCeL Phone 5711.

tf IT WILL BE APPRECIATED IF TOUJ mention this paper when answerlnc advertisem*nts. AS 6UX- ort. A oit x. FoftT6fi SEND YOUR FILMS TO REX PHOTO Supply, Hamilton Regina, and get Rex quality finishing and printing. Full tine of Eastman Kodakj.

films and amateur supplies. Free catalog. Prompt service to country agencies. MAIL YOUR FILM a TODAY AND receive them, finished, tomorrow. We also specialise on enlarging and copying.

Chicago Postal Studio. 1721 Scarth bt Regina. SPECIAL TRIAL OFFER YOUK next Kodak film developed, 10c; prints. 8c each. Veteran Film Finishers, 1825 Railway St Regina.

tf IT WILL BE' APPRECIATED IF TOTJ mention this paper when answering advert lzeroents. PATENT SOLICITORS FEATHERSTONHA'utSH A THE old established firm Patents -everywhere. Head office. Royal Bank Bidg Toronto; Ottawa office. 5 Elgin Street-Offices throughout Canada.

Booklet free. IT WILL BE APPRECIATED IF TOO ssectlon this paer wbsa usweriag a4 rt I em en is PIANO TUNING 3. McCOMBIE A SON. 2054 ATHOL Street, pianos, organs, player pianos snd violins skilfully tuned and repaired. Town and country.

Auto. Phone 4478. IT WILL BE APPRECIATED IF YOC mention this paper when answering advertisem*nts RUBBER STAMPS QDJ. RUBBER STAMP WORKS. Cornwall.

Phone 2858. tf SECONDHAND STORES tsTAR FURNITURE STORE. IF TOU WANT TO SELL YOCR furniture or household goods to the nest advantags try the Star Furaiture store and we will pay you dm. tsstbie prices lor in em. 17ZZ Rose st- muna S7z.

THE UNION jSECOND-HAND FCR-mture Store buy. sell, and exchange household furniture, clothing, dooi and shoes, etc. and pay ire higneet casn prices. Get our quotation nrac 17 24 Rose St- Phone 3125. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR men's clothing.

furs. furniture, jewelry acd musical Instruments. Rose Jobbers. 1753 Rose St. tSkone 1842.

tf Gi.ORE SECOND-HAND STOKE; 151S Albert Street. Phone 92S. tf IT WILL BE APPKECiATLC IF YOU mention this paper wben answering TAILORS- BURTON BROS, CIVIL AND MIL1-tary tailors and men's furnshers. Importers of fine woolens. 1731 Scarta Street, Regina.

Phone 49SL Established 1889. NORTHWEST TAILORS. 1701 Scarth Street. Cleaning, pressing, repairing. Furs repa'red and remodelled, uita made to order.

tf FRENCH TAILOR. 2514 DEWDNEY Avenue. First-class ladies" and gentlemen's tailor. Suits made to order. Cleaning.

pressing and Suits soon 70c 301 letlNCK AAtV of their electric batteries wui no I niy enjoy tar grrairr nmuun I will be under a great aesi less mn. The imnonaaee or me cts- co very to business me, i operating trucks on a large scale can hardly oa estimated. DESIRE MEN TO JOIN REMEMBRANCE LEAGUE UX Anw" 1)XWN', Dec 29. FV-ld Marshal Earl Haig who is devoting himself whole-heartedly to the cause of ex-ervle men has issued tt Christmas message to the men of a ranks who wrrrd under him in France, to ail to Join the ltQ remem-brtoce ieagutx A calendar accompanies the massage with Sundays and tol.days deleted, leaving 209 working days. He asks all who enjoy the sample Cim-forts cf life to devote the equivalent of one day's service or one three-hundredth of their annual income to th new league which aims At providing a definite annual r.eom for x-srvice-4nen and their widows and children.

PRINCE OP WALES GETS POPULAR RECEPTION PATXA. Erirt'a India, Dec. 21. The Prince of Wales started for Calcutta last even.rg after a day of brilliant ceremonies and great popular friendly demonstrations The hartal was abandoned yestirday, tie promoters declaring- Its purpose was attained yesterday but tae natives were enjoineti to remain indoors, This was generally ignored, and al-1 ru B-h the bazaars remained cloited thousands of nersons flocked to wit- nees die ceremonies and cheered the Prince. MAJGEN? CAMERON 13 DEAD IN ENGLAND Dec 25.

Th-9 death of Major-General Donald Roderick Cameron Is announced. II was well known ia Canada, having marrid a Canadian, a daughter of the late Sir Charles Tupper. Ia 1S71, swam out In the -Ottawa Kiver and righted a canoe thereby saving a Lfe. which deed was rewarded with 'a bronze saedal of the Itoyal tlumare Soc'cty. He entered the army In and served In the exposition and was a member of Rcky Mountain Boundary Commission 1J73-78.

REDyCE APPROPRIATIONS PARIS. Dec 23. The Senate finance committee has taken the Initiative in a move toward economy by cutting 609.000.000 francs from the appropriations passed by the chamber of deputies for 1912. The senate Is Quite Likely to approve tl.e fiaance committee's report which would pro-Voke an Issue between tho Upper and Lower bodies of parUamenL By Bud Fisher JEFF WE'LL say is THAT JEFF VyiuL, OIOTMIS MV6HT SAT tT'i- A TeRRlBLC "fsJlSHT I Tnt iMVJDDT i kc isiu rc FOt-i THeCRo" HOUR TD COM.6. RIGHT OfO OuT, MOTTl iTRCMtMrvSj MAW'S LAND Anaj He myj-vt HAvje "Beew A TArCr4.TKAT i THE ToT OUR tAP Awt weiGHel HvJNelRe ME OF A fGHT VWCWT CUCR.

THE TOP lr4THe ARGOr4fMe POONDS: ORDcJRS 13 OKUCB a as Al A 4ffaV St. -Tr. Vf i- So x. Picked ihi nm OFF 3, wriV DDM'f fOU SHOOT head: tMtwe ANjIj 1ot foot: A ptCK HIS JIM i tcreevr. ir isT TCLu.iMe SORE THROAT WHfCM UNLESS CHECKtO TIME MAf LD TO A CONOITiON.

WMilAfV A COUfJH CR COCO WAV ocvELoe ana fotitn 6's- Tllt3TRtATMtHI PCtH IT 18 O'tKOME BcT If AT ONCE MUCH S'jrf i-B- e4-a ma et awoiOED. 3 OU ANO 6LIUE RUd'ES'f IgfOUMatN OS THOMAS ECLECTRIC OIL jfU. et v-" Vie. IfWWWI ltd. ae I.

The Leader-Post from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada (2024)


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.