The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)

FEBRUARY 10, 1935 WATERLOO SUNDAY COURIER, WATERLOO, 10WA Ministers Oppose Sunday Theatres in Grundy Center Von Krog Will Be a Candidate for Rotary Governor (Courier Special Service) Eldora, -W. A. Milroy, president of Eldora Rotary club, announces that Otto S. Von Krog, member and past president of the club, will be A candidate for district governor at the annual district meeting in Ottumwa in April, Mr. Von Krog has been active in all community enterprises, is a member of the library board and deacon in the Congregational church.

He is superintendent of the state school here. The Rotary club endorsed his candidacy one hundred per cent. Bank Receiver at Chelsea Sued for Proceeds of Note (Courier Special Service) Toledo P. Willey Friday filed suit in the Tama county district court, against J. V.

O'Meara, receiver the First National bank of Chelsea, and against O'Meara as An individual, demanding judgment for $676.10. In his petition Willey says he is the owner of a promissory note dated Dec. 17, 1931, and to him by Mr. and Mrs. origexecuted, inally made for $2,822.82 and secured by a chattel mortgage.

He claims that prior to Aug. 2, 1934, the note and mortgage were assigned by him to O'Meara as collateral security for indebtedness on a note executed by Willey to the bank before its insolvency. He declares that before Aug. 2, 1934, the indebtedness evidenced by the note had been fully liquidated and that the note and mortgage were his property and were being held by the defendant subject to reassignment and delivery to plaintiff on his demand. Willey alleges various credits were applied on the note, making, the total sum due on principal interest $750.

He claims that Aug. 2, 1934, he and O'Meara made a verbal agreement and contract whereby O'Meara agreed to bring suit against the makers of the note, which he did and recovered from the Tesars $676.10. Willey charges that O'Meara has refused to account to him for the proceeds "as they agreed upon, and that O'Meara has retained the money refuses to deliver it to Willey. He alleges the money is detained by O'Meara either in his capacity as receiver or as an individual. Eva Moroney, 51, Former Buchanan Teacher, Is Dead (Courier Special Service) Independence, Eva Moroney, 51, for 27 years prior to two years ago an instructor in rural schools of Buchanan county, died Friday at St.

Francis hospital in Waterloo. The funeral will be in the Catholic church at Monti with requiem mass at 9:30 a. Monday. Rev. E.

J. McDonald, "ha pastor, will officiate. Survivors are three sisters and three brothers, as named: Mrs. Joe Short, Winthrop; Mrs. Ida Taber, Albert Lea, Mrs.

T. 0. Ryan, and Leo Moroney, Masonville: Joe Moroney, Ryan, and Matthew Moroney, Robinsdale, Minn. WOMAN DRIVER HURT IN CRASH INTO PHONE POLE Ackley, I. W.

Schuster, 65, of Cherokee, was cut and bruised about face and head when a coupe she was driving skidded on highway 20 west of the M. St. L. railway tracks, and crashed into a telephone pole. She was alone in the car.

BLUE SHOES are Spring Favorites Buck's put seven new spring models in blues in their windows yesterday. You should see them. BUCKS 520 Commercial St. PAINTS? Yes! The Du Pont Line The best to be had. GOLDEN RULE HARDWARE We Do Nothing but PLATE WORK as Quality Low Plates $7.00 Best Vulcanite Plate.

$11.50 You Get the Best in Fit, Service and Satisfaction. No Phone- Come In. Dr. Houser Plate Shop DENTISTS 12114 E. 4th Waterloo COUNCIL VISITED BY DELEGATES TO TELL OBJECTIONS Movement for Liberal Entertainment Policy Begun by Citizens.

(Courier Special Servicel Grundy Center, of Grundy County Ministerial association against the proposal of Grundy Center citizens to legalize theatre operation here on Sundays has been presented to the city council by a committee. The council will hear protests at another meeting. Proponents of Sunday amusem*nts did not appear at the meeting, nor was the draft of an ordinance permitting theatres to operate presented at this week's session. Three Clergymen, 2 Laymen Call. The committee from the county association which conferred with the town council to protest against change in the present situation consisted of Rev.

James Bird, Rev. K. J. Stratemeier, both of Grundy Center, and Rev. J.

F. Schuurman, of Lincoln Center church. J. R. Smit and Will Klontz, laymen, accompanied the clerical group.

Proposal for more liberal entertainment policy was made at meeting of the Commercial club at requests were made for suggestions for community betterment. Educator to Chicago. J. W. Kingma, formerly connected college and associated with the emergency school here during the semester just closed, has accepted a position as instructor in a Chicago public school.

H. R. Hahl will continue his classes in the emergency school. Two Toledo Women Held for Violating Iowa Liquor Act Special Service) Tama, Alice Wagoner, wife of Homer Wagoner, and Mrs. Elna Nash, both of Toledo, appeared Justice Lew Smith's court here Friday following a raid on the Wagoner home by W.

P. Haley, of the state liquor patrol, and Marshals Hilmar Lassen and Ed Houghton of Tama. They were charged with violations of the Iowa liquor control act, and preliminary hearing was set for next Tuesday at 3:30 p. m. It is alleged that when Haley entered the Wagoner home, Mrs.

Wagoner and Mrs. Nash were there, and that a pitcher of alcohol was poured into the kitchen sink by Mrs. Nash, who poured lysol immediately the alcohol to destroy the evidence. 'Andreessen Rites Will Be at Stout (Courier Special Service) Stout, funeral of Mrs. Henry Andreessen, who died Thursday, will be will be services conducted the today.

residence There ext 1 p. followed by a public service at Stout Reformed church. Rev. W. J.

Heyenga will have charge. Burial will be in the cemetery here. Eske Foelrich was born In Germany 69 years ago and came to this country when three years of age. She was married to Henry Andreessen in Grundy county and they were farmers before coming to Stout 15 years ago. He died a year ago.

Survivors are four sons and four daughters: Henry Andreessen, Plainfield; Dan, Herman, and William Andreessen, Mrs. Charles Juel and Mrs. Glenn Ellinger, all of Stout, Mrs. Fred Eiklenborg, Dike, and Mrs. Arend Arends, Parkersburg.

West Union Home Declam Feb. 15 (Courier Special Service) West Union, Ia. -The home declamatory contest of West Union high school will be conducted Feb. 18. Selection of those who will compete was made from a field of 50 speakers.

The entrants by groups are: Humorous, Frances Halvorson, Robert Kamm, Charles Rulifson, Marjorie Windhurst, Rosina Lauer. Dramatic: Josita Baschnagel, Marian Halvorson, Horace Hoover, Delores Teigen, Rowena Kutschat. Oratorical: Earl Antes, Arthur Darling, Marjorie Molumby, Clyde Murphy, Edwin McCaulley. MARRIAGE LICENSES BREMER COUNTY. Issued at Waverly Feb.

8: Frank Doege, 32, Waverly: Margaret Allen, 23, Minneapolis, Minn. William E. Meyerhoff, Readlyn, and Lena Orth, Waverly, Melvin Warneke, 22, Readlyn, and La Vera Nolte, 17, Fairbank. HOWARD COUNTY. Issued at Cresco Feb.

7: Leonard Mikesh, 27, Cresco, and Gladys Springer, 25, Lawler. Lester Phillips, 19, Lime Springs, and Myrtle Chamberlain, 19, Bonair. Charles H. Thomas, 65, and Stella P. Brockway, 56, both of Chester.

BENTON COUNTY. Issued Feb. 8 at Vinton: Rexford L. Root, 22, Cedar Rapids, and Erma L. Valandingham, 15, Cedar Rapids.

MITCHELL COUNTY. Issued at Osage Feb. 8: William Milton, 30, Little Cedar, and Wilma Weber, 25, Stacyville. CHICKASAW. Issued at New Hampton Feb.

7: Kenneth Bell, 27, Keota, and Lie Smith, 22, Martinsburg. Funeral Rites for John D. Dixon, 87, Will Be on Monday (Courier Special Service) La Porte City, Ia. -John D. Dixon, 87, early day farmer, of Spring Creek township, died Waterloo Saturday at 11:30 a.

m. Services will be at 2 p. m. Monday at the Wesleyan Methodist church in Spring and burial will be in cemetery. Creek, township The body is at Waldroff funeral home here.

Mr. was born in Athens, Dixon, married Mary Howell at La Porte City Dec. 3, 1871, and they spent their lives on his farm. He suffered a stroke in 1928 and another in 1929 and his health had been frail since. Survivors are the widow, four sons and one daughter: Frank Dixon, in Colorado; Peter Dixon, La Porte City; Ray Dixon, Waterloo; Charles Dixon, and Mrs.

Ava Weisert, both of Vinton. Drunken Driver Is Left to Fate; Car, Money, His Father's (Courier Special Service) Independence, Cameron, 24, Rockford, who was arrested on a Buchanan county highway on charge of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, has told officers district court Monday and plead guilty. He waived preliminary hearing in justice court here. His father, Alexander Cameron, Rockford, came to Independence to claim the automobile in which the youth was riding when arrested. He told officers his son would have to accept the penalty for his misdeeds.

The elder Cameron said his son had taken his car and $380 without permission when he started on the trip which ended in jail here. The father claimed $320 which was on young Cameron's person when he was placed in jail. Two Groups Meet at Iowa Falls to Consider Codes (Courier Special Service) Iowa Falls, Ia. groups which met here Friday discussed NRA code problems and other matters of interest to their members. The district group of Iowa Cleaners Dyers association met at other matters which will the Woods hotel consider code, and program at the state convention later this month.

Earl R. Stotts, Des Moines, state secretary, was present. Master Plumbers of Hardin county met at the Community club. Four were admitted to the association. George Palmer, state president, outlined NRA code provisions.

Twenty men attended from seven Hardin county towns. Shell Rock High Will Have Declam Contest Tuesday (Courier Special Service) Shell Rock, home declamatory contest will be at Shell Rock high school auditorium Tuesday evening, Feb. 12, beginning at 7:15 p. m. Those taking part are: Oratorical: Edward Biesterfelt.

Dorothy Fisher, Vern McGregor and Virginia Peterson. Dramatic: Betty Connor, Adella Gibson, Norma Harms, Ruth Hickle. Humorous: Florence Chambers, Jean Hunt, Mary Karns, Maxine Zimmerman. BAUSMAN IS VERY ILL AT HOME IN GRUNDY COUNTY FROM STROKE (Courier Special Service) Grundy Center, Ia. -L.

Bausman, 73, a resident of Grundy county more than 50 years, suffered a stroke at his country home in Pleasant Valley township recently and his condition is serious. Mr. Bausman was a Democratic candidate for state representative at the last general election, being defeated by Ed Ove, the Republican, He has served as a member of the board of supervisors and when A young man he taught in the rural schools in Grundy county for many years. FATHER ASKS $20,000 FOR DEATH OF BOY IN COLLISION OF TRUCKS Special Service) West Union, for $20,000 damages for death of Charles Fox, 15, killed in a truck collision Aug. 26.

1933, has been brought in district court by R. D. Fox, father of the boy. The testimony will start Monday. It is alleged a truck operated by J.

J. Carnall, Aplington, turned off the highway without warning, causing the accident in which the boy died. BUCHANAN COUNTY RED CROSS HAS 450 MEMBERS Independence, -The annual report of the Buchanan county chapter of the American Red Cross, just issued here, that number of members enrolled for 1935 to be 450. Cash receipts for the year totaled $660.54, of which $282.42 goes to the national body. HUDSON GIRL BREAKS ARM.

Hudson, 1a. -Ellen Hildebrand, 10. whose parents lost their household effects in a fire at Cedar Falls junction a month ago, fractured her left forearm in a fall here while on her way from school. She is the daughter of and Mrs. Frank Hildebrand, who moved here after the fire.

Mrs. K. F. Nolte conducted eighth grade examinations here for 15 students Friday, GARRETT DIRECTS FRANKLIN'S GAME FEEDING PROJECT Not Deputy Warden, He Says; County Red Cross Election Feb. 14.

(Courier Special Service) Hampton, Ia. Ward Garrett, Hampton, has been appointed foreman for a crew of seven men on an FERA project of constructing feeding stations and nesting shelters for birds in Franklin and Butler counties. He has no connection with game law enforcement and is not A deputy game warden, AS formerly reported, he says. Sixty shelters have been built in the two counties since the work was begun seven weeks and there are now more than 2,000 pheasants and 200 quail feeding at them. The food supply is replenished every two weeks.

Ralph Huebner, who is assisting in the gamt bird conservation work, is acting as an unpaid volunteer. Red Cross to Meet Feb. 13. Annual meeting of Franklin county Red Cross unit will be in Hampton Feb. 13; having been deferred from an earlier date because of illness among the officers.

Annual reports will be given and will be elected. Mrs. C. Beed. Hampton, is county chairman, and Leslie E.

Davis, Hampton, is secretary-treasurer. Sick Relief Cost $9,716. Franklin county spent $9,776 for medical and surgical care of indigent residents during 1934, records of Auditor E. D. Haecker disclose.

Doctors' fees amount to $5,438, and nursing and hospitalization costs were $4,338. These figures are exclusive of the care patients in the county home. This total was $363 in excess of the cost for the preceding year. Legion Rally to Be Held Feb. 11 at Vinton Hall (Courier Special Service) Vinton.

C. Rathke, state commander of the Legion, will speak at American, gion and auxiliary members at Vinton Legion hall Monday evening, Feb. 11. Several hundred representatives of the two organizations are expected to come from over the eastern half of the Third district. Mrs.

Clare Cullison, Dike, discommitteewoman of the auxiliary, also will speak. Other distinguished guests will be V. T. Sieverding, Grundy Center, department vice commander, and Magnus Gunderson, Norway, Benton county commander. J.

H. Milroy, Vinton, Third district commander, is being assisted in arrangements by Charles Cummings, post commander here: Miss Etta Loss, Van Horne, county auxiliary chairman: Magnus Gunderson, councommander, and Mrs. Myrtle Elson, auxiliary' president. County's Young People Select 1935 Officers (Courier Special Service! Hudson, Ia. -Ethel Schiefelbein, Hudson, was elected president for 1935 of the Black Hawk county young people's conference at the meeting here Friday.

About 75 attended from Sunday schools in Black Hawk county. Other officers chosen are: Harold Thompson, Waterloo, vice president, and Miss Mabel Brown, Dunkerton, secretary-treasurer. Chickasaw's Tax Payments $7,356 Off in January (Courier Special Service) New Hampton, collections in Chickasaw county curing January amounted to $12,474.02, compared with $19,830.67 in the same period last year. Old age pension collections during January amounted to $409, a a a Independence High Has Declam Contest (Courier Special Independence, of Independence high for the state round declamatory competition and the all county meet were chosen Friday. Those ranking first in each class enter the state round which starts at Winthrop March 1, the others go into the county competition.

Winners named Friday are: Oratorical: Wendell Hamlin, first: Keith Mavis, first; Jane McLemore, secSmith, second: dramatic. Winston ond: humorous. Mildred Bridge, first; Jane Kemmerer, second, BIRTHS REPORTED. Dumont. To Mr.

and Mrs. Cecil De Vore, Feb. 1, daughter. The mother was Miss Bernice Wiechers. Dysart, To Mr.

and Mrs. Verlyn Harty, at Mercy hospital in Cedar Rapids, Feb. 6, son. Hawkeye, To Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Nuss, Feb. 1, daughter, Geraldine Jane. Hubbard. To Mr. and Mrs.

Gus Weymeler, Feb. 5, son. Waverly, To Mr. and Mrs. John Bartlett, Feb.

5, son. To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Aschenbrenner, Feb. 5, son.

To Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Brien of Pocahontas, at Mercy hospital on Feb. 6, daughter, Alden Truck Driver Is Slightly Hurt As Machine Sideswiped (Courier Special Service) Iowa Falls, -George Lettow, Alden, driver of the first caravan of four trucks transporting cattie from here to Clarion, was slightly hurt when another truck sideswiped his machine one-half mile east of Clarion Friday, The other three drivers swung off the highway to avoid the careening machine and escaped injury to themselves or their stock. The driver of the machine which struck Lettow's was, Lester Bowers, 28, Rowan, Ia.

has A chance of recovery, it was said at the hospital of Dr. J. H. Samm, in Clarion, where he is being cared for. His injuries are about the head and face.

Bowers was operating a gravel truck on highway 10, leaving Clarion, when the accident occurred. The cab was torn from is truck. Lettow and his companions were taking cattle bought at a sale near here to a customer of Corn Belt Livestock company for whom Verne Doudna, agent here, had acquired them. Delivery was to be made at Clarion. It was not believed that any of the cattle had been injured in the crash, FRANKLIN COUNTY SEEKS MISSOURI PAIR FOR FRAUDS Charged with Giving Bad Checks for Corn; FatherSon Dinner Feb.

14. (Courier Specia? Service) Hampton, Fred C. Schwieger of Franklin county left Thursday for Chillicothe to claim Herschel Burkett and Roy Batson, alias John Henderson, for Franklin county. are accused of obtaining mother under false pretenses, The two arrested there on request of Bought Bad Checks. Schwiegetin They were truck drivers, delivering coal in Franklin county on Jan.

25 and purchasing from Farmers' Elevator company at Coulter corn which was transported on the return trip to Missouri, It is claimed the checks gave for the corn were on banks which neither man they, had an account. Carl Horstman, Sheffield, received a six months jail sentence in district court here on Friday, Feb. 8. He pleaded guilty to bootlegging. I.

0. 0. F. Father-Son Banquet. The annual father and son dinner of Hampton I.

0. F. will be in the lodge hall Thursday evening, Feb. 14. Dr.

Howard H. Johnston will be toastmaster. The principal speaker will be Dr. W. C.

Cleworth, Hampton M. E. minister. Members of program committee are: Ove Johnson, Harry Hardy, and R. G.

Welsh. Creamery in Hardin Increases Output by 93,000 Lbs. in Year (Courier Special Service) Iowa Falls, Iowa Falls Creamery company manufactured 808,908 pounds of butter during 1934, an increase of about 93,000 pounds over the 1933 output, it was revealed at the annual meeting in the Community clubrooms Saturday. Gross business during the year amounted to $205,327.51, an increase of about $50,000 over the previous year. The creamery purchased 650,426 pounds of butterfat, for which patrons were paid an average price of 29.32 cents per pound, The average cost of manufacturing a pound of butter was 2.26 cents.

All officers were re-elected: They are: J. K. Santee, president; Harley Kaufman, vice president; B. Thines, treasurer; J. R.

Santee, secretary. Directors elected are: Fred Sielaf and Otto Pegelow, both of Alden: William Warner, J. D. Taylor and L. S.

Newton, INDEPENDENCE RECTOR WILL HOLD SERVICES AT CHARLES CITY (Courier Special Service) Charles City, James H. Dew-Brittain of Independence will conduct services of Grace Episcopal church hereafter. He will officiate this afternoon at 4:30 and on Sunday, Feb, 23, will conduct services at 8 and 11 in the morning. Rev. Mr.

Dew lives at Independence. Beside being in charge of the church there, he conducts services in Oelwein and here. NASHUA WOMAN FILES SUIT FOR DIVORCE New Hampton, Annabelle Cagley, Nashua, has filed suit for divorce from Robert Cagley, Nashua, on the ground of cruel and inhuman treatment. The plaintiff alleged that they were married in Deerfield township, Chickasaw county, Dec. 20, 1931 and separated Feb.

4, 1935. She asks custody of an eight-month-old daughter and that her maiden name of Garrison be restored. They also have a two-year-old son. FLOYD FUNDING BONDS SOLD. Charles City, bonds amounting to $24,300 have been soid to the White-Phillips company of Davenport by the Floyd county board of supervisors.

The money derived from the sale of these will take up $24,300 poor fund warrants. CHARLES CITY TO REPLACE BURNED BUSINESS BLOCK Owners of Hildreth Hotel, Annex, Theatre, Wait Insurance Adjustment. (Courier Special Service) Charles City, for replacing the Hildreth block which burned Thursday night were being formulated Saturday while the ruins still smoldered and flames crept thru from time to time in reminder of the blaze that cost the town one of its principal business sections and piled up a loss of nearly $250,000. Definite arrangements for the rebuilding must await settlement of insurance claims, which apparently will fall far short of meeting the full loss. J.

Herschel Hardy, owner of the Hildreth hotel building and principal stockholder of Hardy Continental Hotel system which had subleased the business, arrived in Charles City Saturday from Ashland, Wis. He operates a chain of hotels in this section and was at his hotel there when reached with news of his loss. Cost Insured for $40,000. He carried $40,000 insurance on the hotel section of the block. That section cost $75,000 when he purchased it a few years ago.

J. H. Moore, who operated the hotel under lease, has $14,000 insurance on furnishings valued at $25,000. Charles Waterhouse, owner of the hotel annex and the theatre building at one end of the block, is en route here from Pinehurst, N. C.

It is not known what insurance he carried on his property. The steam heating plant which supplied the hotel also served four apartment buildings nearby. Workmen put up a temporary building to cover the boilers and service to the other buildings was resumed Saturday morning. Blosier Has New Location. Harold Blosier, operator of the Smoke shop carried $7,000 insurance on his stock and equipment and this his loss.

He resume business was expected to meet, practically all as soon as adjustment is made, probably in the Hausbery building, which is located near the burned block. Glenn Housand, who operated a barber shop in the hotel, had a loss of $1,000, which was insured, he said Saturday. He has procured temporary employment in another shop. Mrs. Eickmeyer, was Numpdia Beauty, shop, operated by protected up to $2,000, which she believed will be the full amount of her loss.

Staulker carried $2,500 insurance on the Hamburg shop, beneath which occurred the blast which was the first general intimation of the fire. Girl Gave First Alarm, Hotel employes thruout the day had smelled smoke and made trips of inspection to their own basem*nt in search of it, but overlooked the possibility might come from the adjoining basem*nt. bit Miss Janice Russell, waitress in the Hamburg shop, whose opening of the basem*nt door was simultaneous with the explosion, called the fire department. TREBON WILL FILED IN BUCHANAN COURT (Courier Special Service) Independence, will of Mrs. Trebon, who died at Fairbank of May 28, 1934, was filed for probate here on Friday.

She bequeathed $50 each to her grandsons, Henry and John Klotz, and to her son Gustave Trebon she gave her residence property in Fairbank, with all furniture and household goods. The balance of her property is left to her sons, Adolph, Gustave, and Henry L. Trebon in equal shares. The document is dated May 4, 1934. FUNERAL CONDUCTED FOR NEW HAMPTON INFANT New Hampton, -Funeral services were held Friday for Harold William Kottke, infant son of Mr.

and Mrs. William Kottke, who was born Feb. 6, and died the following day. The infant is survived by his parents, WAVERLY JUNIOR PLAY. Waverly, junior class of Waverly high school presented the play, "Shirt Sleeves," Friday evening before a large audience.

The production was well staged and characters all interpreted in a finished manner. A NEW WORLD OF HEARING FOR THE DEAFENED The New Amplified Acousticon is designed for both Air and Bone Conduction. Let us give you a Free Demonstration. We have Batteries and Supplies Asquith Jewelry Co. 196 West Fourth at Commercial Dress Pants Smart Young Pants.

Men's $1 .98 Sizes to 36.... and up SUSS SHOP CLOTHES 114 East Fourth St. DAMAGE SOUGHT BY FARMER HURT AUTO WRECK New Hampton Man Wants $6,625 for Alleged Permanent Disability, (Courier Snecint Service) New Hampton, -Ed Draheim, New Hampton farmer, has filed a suit for $6,625, against E. R. Drewelow, New Hampton livestock dealer, as result of an automobile accident near Fredericksburg in January, 1934.

The plaintiff alleges in his petition that the defendant operated his motor vehicle when it was in an unsafe condition mechanically and that the car was operated at an excessive rate of speed. Drove Car Against Culvert. Draheim says he was with Drewelow when the drove his automobile from highway 18 near Fredericksburg on Jan. 6, 1934, and struck A culvert or bridge. Plaintiff claims he suffered severe physical injuries, that his right collar bone, right shoulder blade and four or five ribs were fractured and received several cuts and bruises.

Arm Injuries Are Permanent. Draheim alleges that he does not have the normal use of his right arm and shoulder and that the injuries are permanent, The plaintiff alleges he has been damaged as follows: Medical and surgical expense, $100; loss of three months time at the rate of $175 a month, $525; pain and fering. permanent partial ability, $5,000. Floyd County Signup Shows 666 Total (Courier Special Service) Charles City, county corn officials reported Saturday that 666 early applications for 1935 contracts had been reported to the headquarters, No reports had been received from two townships. Officials said the early figure of 666 indicated the 1935 total will be approximately the same as that 1934.

when 1,448 contracts "were signed. ELGIN LIBRARY ELECTION. Elgin, Ia. -Mrs. Max Thoma was elected president at the annual mecting of Elgin public library.

Mrs. Gordon Mosby is vice president and Mrs. Fred Muehtenthaler is secreMembers of the book committee are Mrs. Clarence Schori, Mrs. Leo Schori and Mrs.

L. B. Carter. WE'LL FIX IT Leaky Valves and Pipes. Clogged Drains and Sewers.

Closets and Closet Tanks. Play Safe the moment you discover the need for repair! Avoid muss, worry and greater expense later -Phone 2077. QUEST SMITH THE PLUMBERS 411 W. Fifth 1 St. THE MORRIS PLAN PERSONAL LOANS on listed stocks, bonds, co-signers or other securities.

Reasonable Rates Repay weekly or monthly, Interest Paid on Investment Certificates Waterloo Morris Plan Co. Y. M. C. A.

BLDG. Banks and Public Offices Open on Lincoln Birthday Courts Closed; Clubs, Schools to Observe Occasion with Special Programs. Waterloo banks, postoffice and other public offices, with the exception of courts, will be open Lincoln's birthday, Tuesday, officials announced Saturday. Municipal Judge George J. said municipal court would close, District court officials said it was their understanding that the court would follow the precedent of other years and close on Lincoln's birthday, a legal holiday in Iowa, Courthouse and city hall officials said their offices would remain open.

pubibraried the relief office, parochial schools also will be open. Banks, the postoffice, and probably most the public offices will close Feb. 22, Washington's birthday, officials said. At west senior and junior high schools special assemblies honoring the memory of the Great Emancipator are planned, Superintendent, Charles A. Kittrell said.

There will be some form of observance of the day in the various west grade schools, he said. In east schools there will be no special assemblies but observance will be conducted in schoolrooms, Superintendent Jack Logan said. Similar observances are planned at parochial schools, officials said. Talks at Clubs. Lincoln's birthday will be observed at the Rotary luncheon at Hotel Russell-Lamson Monday, with J.

B. Newman, Codar Falls attorney, AS the speaker, and at the Optimist luncheon at Black's tearoom Tuesday. For the Optimist program, three 8-A history students of Sloane Wallace Junior High school, to be selected Monday, will give eightminute talks on Lincoln. Forney Funeral to Be at Belle Plaine (Courier Special Service) Clinton, May Belle Forney, 76, an invalid for the last 15 years, died at the county near Vinton Friday afternoon. Burial will be at Belle Plaine, former home of Mrs.

Forney. Mrs. Forney deeded her property in Belle Plaine to the county and entered the home six years ago. Surviving are two daughters and a son. TAKIN BROS.

Freight Line Waterloo to Chicago OVERNIGHT SERVICE Phone 434 1018 Sycamore St. There is a ANSI Paint for Every purpose. COVER SherwinTHE EARTH Williams Paint Headquarters Waterloo Roofing Supply Co. 209 E. Fifth Phone 564 PLUMBING and HEATING AIR CONDITIONING OIL BURNERS STOKERS.

Electrie Refrigerators Gas Ranges Washing Machines RYNEARSON KOCH, Inc. PHONE 2585 420 EAST FOURTH ST. No furnace chores for the folks at home when you have OIL-O-MATIC Heat on the job! FUEL OIL SERVICE CO. 186 West Fourth St. Phone 1492 Sheet Metal Work NRA Furnaces Galvanized and Black Sheets, Grates, Smoke Pipe, Sheet Tin, Zine and Copper.

Repairs and Supplies. Gutters, Spouting, Etc. WE on Vacuum Cleaning. Get Our Prices WATERLOO METAL MFG. CO.

ART ROEDER PHONE 129 FERD KOCH The Days are Getting Longer Spring is on its way- and spring house cleaning too. Make your task easy. Eliminate rubbing, muss, labor. For any surface that soap and water will not injure. PAINT CLEANER DIC-A-DOO NEW WAY Pkg.

10-Lb. Pkg. $2.00 14c Pkg. $1.25 Pkg. 75c Kalsomine, per pkg.

1-Lb. Pkg. 35c -Williams Wall Paper Cleaner, easy to use- leaves no streaks. Excellent for flat tints, window shades, etc. Per Can for 3 25c Dunkelberg-Leeper Inc.

Buildine Material 327 W. 5th St. Phone 1017.

The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.