NCBI Conserved Domain Search (2024)

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Conserved domains on[gi|1859876929|ref|NP_001371459|]

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transcriptional repressor p66-alpha isoform 2 [hom*o sapiens]

Protein Classification

P66_CC and GATA domain-containing protein( domain architecture ID 10964881)

protein containing domains Med21, P66_CC, and GATA

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NCBI Conserved Domain Search (16)

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NCBI Conserved Domain Search (19)


Coiled-coil and interaction region of P66A and P66B with MBD2; This family is a short ...


Coiled-coil and interaction region of P66A and P66B with MBD2; This family is a short coiled-coil interaction region on the transcriptional repressors P66A and P66B. The P66A and B, or alpha and beta, complex with MBDs or methyl-binding domain-containing proteins via a coiled-coil region on each. This P66-MBD2 complex forms part of an assembly with NuRD, nucleosome remodelling and deacetylation protein. MBD2-NuRD binds methylated DNA and regulates transcription of eg, the foetal beta-globin gene during development.


Pssm-ID: 465178Cd Length:40Bit Score: 72.84E-value: 2.82e-16

 10 20 30 40 ....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|gi 1859876929 137 SPEERERMIKQLKEELRLEEAKLVLLKKLRQSQIQKEATA 176Cdd:pfam16563  1 EIEERERMIKKLREELRLEEAKLVLLKKLRQSQQQKENIV 40

GATA zinc finger; This domain uses four cysteine residues to coordinate a zinc ion. This ...


GATA zinc finger; This domain uses four cysteine residues to coordinate a zinc ion. This domain binds to DNA. Two GATA zinc fingers are found in the GATA transcription factors. However there are several proteins which only contain a single copy of the domain.


Pssm-ID: 425605[Multi-domain]Cd Length:36Bit Score: 49.24E-value: 4.94e-08

 10 20 30 ....*....|....*....|....*....|....*.gi 1859876929 417 CAQCKTDFTCRWREEKSGAI-MCENCMTTNQKKALK 451Cdd:pfam00320  1 CSNCGTTKTPLWRRGPNGNRtLCNACGLYYKKKGLK 36
Med21 super familycl12769

Subunit 21 of Mediator complex; Med21 has been known as Srb7 in yeasts, hSrb7 in humans and ...


Subunit 21 of Mediator complex; Med21 has been known as Srb7 in yeasts, hSrb7 in humans and Trap 19 in Drosophila. The heterodimer of the two subunits Med7 and Med21 appears to act as a hinge between the middle and the tail regions of Mediator.

The actual alignment was detected with superfamily member pfam11221:

Pssm-ID: 463241Cd Length:134Bit Score: 38.34E-value: 2.95e-03

 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|gi 1859876929  98 PPSPDVIVLSDNEQPSSPRV--------NGL----TTVALKETSTEAL------MKSSPEERERMIKQLKEELRLEEAKL 159Cdd:pfam11221  32 PLPPNDPISPDKAPPQPEPEpdppeefeATQrelaRDLILKAQQIEYLidslpgIGVSEEEQLQRIKELEEELREAEEER 111
 90 ....*....|....*.gi 1859876929 160 V--------LLKKLRQ 167Cdd:pfam11221 112 QeavkekeeLLKKLDE 127
ser_rich_anae_1 super familycl41472

serine-rich protein; This serine-rich protein belongs to a family with large size (over 1000 ...


serine-rich protein; This serine-rich protein belongs to a family with large size (over 1000 amino acids), which a highly serine-rich central region that averages over 300 aa in length. Species encoding members of this family of proteins tend to be anaerobic bacteria, including Gram-positive bacteria of the human gut microbiome and Chloroflexi from marine sediments.

The actual alignment was detected with superfamily member NF033849:

Pssm-ID: 468206[Multi-domain]Cd Length:1122Bit Score: 40.37E-value: 4.16e-03

 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|gi 1859876929  513 GEARDWSNGAVLQASSQLSRGSA-TTPRGVLHTFSpspklqNSASATALVSR-TGRHSERTVSAGKGSATSNwkKTPLST 590Cdd:NF033849  459 SQGTSWSEGTGTSQGQSVGTSESwSTSQSETDSVG------DSTGTSESVSQgDGRSTGRSESQGTSLGTSG--GRTSGA 530
 90 100 110 ....*....|....*....|....*....|gi 1859876929  591 GGTLAFVsPSLAVHKSSSAVDRQREYLLDM 620Cdd:NF033849  531 GGSMGLG-PSISLGKSYQWEDDPAILLTEI 559

Coiled-coil and interaction region of P66A and P66B with MBD2; This family is a short ...


Coiled-coil and interaction region of P66A and P66B with MBD2; This family is a short coiled-coil interaction region on the transcriptional repressors P66A and P66B. The P66A and B, or alpha and beta, complex with MBDs or methyl-binding domain-containing proteins via a coiled-coil region on each. This P66-MBD2 complex forms part of an assembly with NuRD, nucleosome remodelling and deacetylation protein. MBD2-NuRD binds methylated DNA and regulates transcription of eg, the foetal beta-globin gene during development.

Pssm-ID: 465178Cd Length:40Bit Score: 72.84E-value: 2.82e-16

 10 20 30 40 ....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|gi 1859876929 137 SPEERERMIKQLKEELRLEEAKLVLLKKLRQSQIQKEATA 176Cdd:pfam16563  1 EIEERERMIKKLREELRLEEAKLVLLKKLRQSQQQKENIV 40

GATA zinc finger; This domain uses four cysteine residues to coordinate a zinc ion. This ...


GATA zinc finger; This domain uses four cysteine residues to coordinate a zinc ion. This domain binds to DNA. Two GATA zinc fingers are found in the GATA transcription factors. However there are several proteins which only contain a single copy of the domain.

Pssm-ID: 425605[Multi-domain]Cd Length:36Bit Score: 49.24E-value: 4.94e-08

 10 20 30 ....*....|....*....|....*....|....*.gi 1859876929 417 CAQCKTDFTCRWREEKSGAI-MCENCMTTNQKKALK 451Cdd:pfam00320  1 CSNCGTTKTPLWRRGPNGNRtLCNACGLYYKKKGLK 36

Subunit 21 of Mediator complex; Med21 has been known as Srb7 in yeasts, hSrb7 in humans and ...


Subunit 21 of Mediator complex; Med21 has been known as Srb7 in yeasts, hSrb7 in humans and Trap 19 in Drosophila. The heterodimer of the two subunits Med7 and Med21 appears to act as a hinge between the middle and the tail regions of Mediator.

Pssm-ID: 463241Cd Length:134Bit Score: 38.34E-value: 2.95e-03

 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|gi 1859876929  98 PPSPDVIVLSDNEQPSSPRV--------NGL----TTVALKETSTEAL------MKSSPEERERMIKQLKEELRLEEAKL 159Cdd:pfam11221  32 PLPPNDPISPDKAPPQPEPEpdppeefeATQrelaRDLILKAQQIEYLidslpgIGVSEEEQLQRIKELEEELREAEEER 111
 90 ....*....|....*.gi 1859876929 160 V--------LLKKLRQ 167Cdd:pfam11221 112 QeavkekeeLLKKLDE 127

serine-rich protein; This serine-rich protein belongs to a family with large size (over 1000 ...


serine-rich protein; This serine-rich protein belongs to a family with large size (over 1000 amino acids), which a highly serine-rich central region that averages over 300 aa in length. Species encoding members of this family of proteins tend to be anaerobic bacteria, including Gram-positive bacteria of the human gut microbiome and Chloroflexi from marine sediments.

Pssm-ID: 468206[Multi-domain]Cd Length:1122Bit Score: 40.37E-value: 4.16e-03

 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|gi 1859876929  513 GEARDWSNGAVLQASSQLSRGSA-TTPRGVLHTFSpspklqNSASATALVSR-TGRHSERTVSAGKGSATSNwkKTPLST 590Cdd:NF033849  459 SQGTSWSEGTGTSQGQSVGTSESwSTSQSETDSVG------DSTGTSESVSQgDGRSTGRSESQGTSLGTSG--GRTSGA 530
 90 100 110 ....*....|....*....|....*....|gi 1859876929  591 GGTLAFVsPSLAVHKSSSAVDRQREYLLDM 620Cdd:NF033849  531 GGSMGLG-PSISLGKSYQWEDDPAILLTEI 559

Coiled-coil and interaction region of P66A and P66B with MBD2; This family is a short ...


Coiled-coil and interaction region of P66A and P66B with MBD2; This family is a short coiled-coil interaction region on the transcriptional repressors P66A and P66B. The P66A and B, or alpha and beta, complex with MBDs or methyl-binding domain-containing proteins via a coiled-coil region on each. This P66-MBD2 complex forms part of an assembly with NuRD, nucleosome remodelling and deacetylation protein. MBD2-NuRD binds methylated DNA and regulates transcription of eg, the foetal beta-globin gene during development.

Pssm-ID: 465178Cd Length:40Bit Score: 72.84E-value: 2.82e-16

 10 20 30 40 ....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|gi 1859876929 137 SPEERERMIKQLKEELRLEEAKLVLLKKLRQSQIQKEATA 176Cdd:pfam16563  1 EIEERERMIKKLREELRLEEAKLVLLKKLRQSQQQKENIV 40

GATA zinc finger; This domain uses four cysteine residues to coordinate a zinc ion. This ...


GATA zinc finger; This domain uses four cysteine residues to coordinate a zinc ion. This domain binds to DNA. Two GATA zinc fingers are found in the GATA transcription factors. However there are several proteins which only contain a single copy of the domain.

Pssm-ID: 425605[Multi-domain]Cd Length:36Bit Score: 49.24E-value: 4.94e-08

 10 20 30 ....*....|....*....|....*....|....*.gi 1859876929 417 CAQCKTDFTCRWREEKSGAI-MCENCMTTNQKKALK 451Cdd:pfam00320  1 CSNCGTTKTPLWRRGPNGNRtLCNACGLYYKKKGLK 36

Subunit 21 of Mediator complex; Med21 has been known as Srb7 in yeasts, hSrb7 in humans and ...


Subunit 21 of Mediator complex; Med21 has been known as Srb7 in yeasts, hSrb7 in humans and Trap 19 in Drosophila. The heterodimer of the two subunits Med7 and Med21 appears to act as a hinge between the middle and the tail regions of Mediator.

Pssm-ID: 463241Cd Length:134Bit Score: 38.34E-value: 2.95e-03

 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|gi 1859876929  98 PPSPDVIVLSDNEQPSSPRV--------NGL----TTVALKETSTEAL------MKSSPEERERMIKQLKEELRLEEAKL 159Cdd:pfam11221  32 PLPPNDPISPDKAPPQPEPEpdppeefeATQrelaRDLILKAQQIEYLidslpgIGVSEEEQLQRIKELEEELREAEEER 111
 90 ....*....|....*.gi 1859876929 160 V--------LLKKLRQ 167Cdd:pfam11221 112 QeavkekeeLLKKLDE 127

serine-rich protein; This serine-rich protein belongs to a family with large size (over 1000 ...


serine-rich protein; This serine-rich protein belongs to a family with large size (over 1000 amino acids), which a highly serine-rich central region that averages over 300 aa in length. Species encoding members of this family of proteins tend to be anaerobic bacteria, including Gram-positive bacteria of the human gut microbiome and Chloroflexi from marine sediments.

Pssm-ID: 468206[Multi-domain]Cd Length:1122Bit Score: 40.37E-value: 4.16e-03

 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|....*....|gi 1859876929  513 GEARDWSNGAVLQASSQLSRGSA-TTPRGVLHTFSpspklqNSASATALVSR-TGRHSERTVSAGKGSATSNwkKTPLST 590Cdd:NF033849  459 SQGTSWSEGTGTSQGQSVGTSESwSTSQSETDSVG------DSTGTSESVSQgDGRSTGRSESQGTSLGTSG--GRTSGA 530
 90 100 110 ....*....|....*....|....*....|gi 1859876929  591 GGTLAFVsPSLAVHKSSSAVDRQREYLLDM 620Cdd:NF033849  531 GGSMGLG-PSISLGKSYQWEDDPAILLTEI 559
Blast search parameters
Data Source:Precalculated data, version = cdd.v.3.21
Preset Options:Database:CDSEARCH/cddLow complexity filter:noComposition Based Adjustment:yesE-value threshold:0.01


  • Wang J et al. (2023), "The conserved domain database in 2023", Nucleic Acids Res.51(D)384-8.
  • Lu S et al. (2020), "The conserved domain database in 2020", Nucleic Acids Res.48(D)265-8.
  • Marchler-Bauer A et al. (2017), "CDD/SPARCLE: functional classification of proteins via subfamily domain architectures.", Nucleic Acids Res.45(D)200-3.

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NCBI Conserved Domain Search (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.