Gen 9 Smogon University Usage Statistics Discussion Thread (2024)


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Research Leader

Dec 1, 2022

  • #1

Credit to Antar for the original version of this FAQ.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Where are the stats?
    Stats can be found at From there, navigate to the desired month.
  2. Why aren't the stats up for the month yet?
    Processing currently takes around 44 hours; ~25 hours to process the raw logs and ~19 hours to process the files found in the link above. I pre-process the first 25-29 days of any given month before the month is over to get stats out as soon as possible, and so far this has resulted in usage stats out on the 1st of every month. If for some reason there's a problem with the first step, it will take 44 hours to re-process everything so stats would only come out on the 3rd or later. Please be patient if this happens!
  3. Where are the moveset stats / metagame stats / lead stats / monotype stats / chaos stats since last month?
    Respectively, in the "moveset," "metagame," "lead," "monotype" and "chaos" subfolders of each month.
  4. What do "Usage %", "Raw", and "Real" mean?


     + ---- + ------------------ + --------- + ------ + ------- + ------ + ------- +| Rank | Pokemon | Usage % | Raw | % | Real | % |+ ---- + ------------------ + --------- + ------ + ------- + ------ + ------- +

    Antar said:

    Usage % : Weighted
    Raw: Unweighted
    Real: Only counts the Pokemon which actually appear in battle (Doubles not supported)

    The reason for the name "real" is historic--back when I first took over the stats and then the running of PO, only the Pokemon that appeared in battle were recorded in the logs, so there was no way to actually *get* the full team stats. When I modified PO to generate logs with full team info in them, we were left with a decision regarding which stats to use, and the argument was that counting only Pokemon appearing in battle was somewhat more legit, because that corresponded to actual, or "real" usage (that argument lost out in the end).

  5. How are usage stats weighted?
    Every player on Pokemon Showdown has a skill rating for each metagame they participate in. This rating--which is different from your ladder score--is calculated using an algorithm called Glicko and consists of an estimated skill value R and an uncertainty in that estimate RD. Based on these two values, we calculate the likelihood that a given player has a "true" skill value above a certain baseline (the conventional baseline was 1500, corresponding to the "average" player). For more about ratings, read Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Ratings. For more about weightings, read Weighted Stats FAQ.
  6. How are tiers determined from usage?
    For the foreseeable future, all usage will be based on the previous month using the 3-month cutoff of 4.52% to accelerate accurate tier formation.

    During the regular 3-month cycle, month 1 has quick drop cutoff of 1.53%, month 2 a quick drop cutoff of 2.28%, and month 3 the new standard of 4.52% for drops and rises. (Unrounded these cutoffs are 0.01528524706, 0.02284003156, and 0.04515839608, respectively.) Month 2 and month 3 will be averaged evenly with the other month(s) in the cycle.

    As for which stats are used to determine the tiers, we're currently using a baseline of 1695 for OU and Doubles OU, and 1630 for all other tiers.

  7. What's the deal with the filenames?
    You'll notice that for each tier and type of analysis, there are a bunch of of different files, most with names like gen8uu-1630.txt. The first part of the filename is the tier, the second part is the weighting baseline. Also note that a baseline of 0 means that the stats are basically unweighted.
  8. How should I think about Baseline-0 vs. 1500 vs. 1630/1695 vs. 1760/1825 stats?
    • Baseline-0 (unweighted) stats represent everything in the format, no matter how lulzy the player or team. This is what you'd expect to encounter if we stopped doing matchmaking.
    • 1500 stats represents what the average player in the metagame sees. Since Showdown's playerbase is more than just Smogonites, this is considerably "below" what the average person reading this thread sees.
    • 1630 (1695 for OU) stats represent "standard" stats, what the typical competitive player should see and be prepared for.
    • 1760 (1825 for OU) stats represent "1337" stats, what the best-of-the-best in the metagame are doing. To some extent, this is what all players should strive to be doing, but there are some Pokemon and strategies that are difficult to pull off and might require a greater amount of skill than the typical competitive player possesses.
  9. Why are the OU stats for 1695 and 1825 instead of for 1630 and 1760?
    OU, aka "Standard," is, well, our standard tier. It sees more battles than any other format and has the largest playerbase (second only to randbats). It also has the smallest fraction of "competitive players" of all non-random formats, due to its prominence and easy accesibility. Since our rating systems are percentile-based (that is, a rating of x roughly corresponds to being better than y% of the ladder, rather than indicating that the player is the nth best in the metagame), that means that it's a lot easier to get a rating of 1630 in OU than it is in UU or LC. Because of that, and because OU has a larger pool of battles to work with, we can up our baseline to 1695 for the "standard" stats. Similarly, while 1760 is the usual value we use for "elite" stats (the best of the best), the number that works better for OU is 1825.
  10. What's the best way to make use of the moveset stats?
    • If you're trying to figure out what's good in a tier (in terms of movesets), 1760/1825 is probably the way to go, since that tells you what the very top players use on their Pokemon.
    • If you want to determine what the likelihood is that your opponent's Pokemon carries X move or Y item, consult the moveset stats closest to your own Glicko R rating.
    • If you're having trouble dealing with a certain Pokemon and are looking for checks/counters, consult the 1500 (or even possibly the 0) stats: the lack of "1337"ness is vastly preferred to the sheer lack of data you encounter when you get that high.
  11. Can you make an analysis of the win rate for a Pokemon / team type?
    W/L ratio is a horrible metric on PS, because the ladder tries to pair players of similar skill levels. In a perfect world, everyone's W/L ratio would be 50/50, regardless of skill, because you'd always be playing people on your own level. You also don't want to use winrate or average rating or anything like that to measure a Pokemon's effectiveness, because then all you're measuring is how popular the mon is among n00bs. You might want to read into this a bit:
  12. Can I perform my own analyses?
    If you have background with a programming language that can parse json, take a look in the "chaos" folder of each month's stats. Those files contain all the information used to generate the moveset statistics.
  13. Why did this Pokemon drop multiple tiers at once?
    The Pokemon had previously risen multiple tiers at once earlier during that generation. If nothing major changed since then (for example, a game release), it drops back down to where it came from. See also the Policy Review thread on drastic tier shifts.


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Research Leader

Dec 1, 2022

  • #2

Somehow the server is not even done processing November 19th to 30th but I'm done waiting so here's what's available now.
At this rate the full November stats will be done in 8 days. Gen 9 Smogon University Usage Statistics Discussion Thread (17)



    3.6 MBViews: 1,454


Dec 2, 2022

  • #3

Marty said:

Somehow the server is not even done processing November 19th to 30th but I'm done waiting so here's what's available now.
At this rate the full November stats will be done in 8 days. Gen 9 Smogon University Usage Statistics Discussion Thread (19)

I appreciate your effort so take all time you need, real ones will see the stats themselves downloading that zip file. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Just one question. I suppose there won't be a "Tera Type" section for Gen 9 stats, right?


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Research Leader

Dec 7, 2022

  • #4

Stats for November are now up!

TrainerGeist said:

Just one question. I suppose there won't be a "Tera Type" section for Gen 9 stats, right?

Unfortunately no, see also this post:


Dec 26, 2022

  • #5

Marty said:

Somehow the server is not even done processing November 19th to 30th but I'm done waiting so here's what's available now.
At this rate the full November stats will be done in 8 days. Gen 9 Smogon University Usage Statistics Discussion Thread (29)

Thanks Marty! Do you need or are interested in some help improving or scaling the data processing pipeline of the raw logs? I've done similar projects in the past related to this, would be glad to help out in any way.

I can see (what I assume are) Antar's scripts here, and a more recent project called Onix in their Github. Could you confirm if these are the scripts used to process the logs and extract the stats?

Last edited:


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Research Leader

Jan 2, 2023

  • #6

Stats for December are now up!

3opmateus said:

I can see (what I assume are) Antar's scripts here, and a more recent project called Onix in their Github. Could you confirm if these are the scripts used to process the logs and extract the stats?

Yeah those are still the scripts being used. I forked the project and put up some updated files a while ago but really the log processing part is functionally unchanged from Antar's original scripts there. Onix stopped working at some point between the releases of The Crown Tundra and Legends Arceus so I've just been updating the three relevant data files (baseStats, keylookup, types) manually rather than dig through a year and a half of possible changes to the sim that might have caused the problem.

Normally I would appreciate help on something like this but I also don't want to spend more time on usage stats than absolutely necessary. I only signed up for getting tier shifts out in a "reasonable" amount of time that wasn't 8 to 11 days into the month anymore; I have no interest in this beyond doing that. Eventually I would like to pawn it off to someone else who is actually interested but candidates are basically nonexistent when I have to also consider both competence and the level of trust required for sim server access to even accomplish the tasks.


Jan 2, 2023

  • #7

Why is this page blank?



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Monotype Leader

Jan 2, 2023

  • #8

In the monotype subfolder, the only type that includes generation 9 pokémon is Normal. And it includes all the new pokémon. That being said, the numbers for most don't remotely match the overall monotype 1760.


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Research Leader

Jan 10, 2023

  • #9

Time for another "OU by technicality" report!

July through December 2022 usage stats for past gen OU tiers, averaged equally with a 2.28% "drop" cutoff.


Combined usage for OU (1695 stats) + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + | Rank | Pokemon | Percent | + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + | 1 | Landorus-Therian | 42.543% | | 2 | Magearna | 26.833% | | 3 | Greninja-Ash | 23.301% | | 4 | Tapu Koko | 21.513% | | 5 | Ferrothorn | 18.713% | | 6 | Kartana | 15.848% | | 7 | Heatran | 14.219% | | 8 | Tornadus-Therian | 14.052% | | 9 | Tapu Lele | 12.707% | | 10 | Tapu Fini | 12.111% | | 11 | Rotom-Wash | 11.989% | | 12 | Medicham-Mega | 11.432% | | 13 | Serperior | 11.330% | | 14 | Hawlucha | 11.126% | | 15 | Toxapex | 10.929% | | 16 | Excadrill | 10.767% | | 17 | Chansey | 10.284% | | 18 | Garchomp | 9.689% | | 19 | Pelipper | 9.590% | | 20 | Swampert-Mega | 9.215% | | 21 | Gliscor | 8.818% | | 22 | Clefable | 8.151% | | 23 | Mawile-Mega | 7.884% | | 24 | Victini | 7.855% | | 25 | Zapdos | 7.747% | | 26 | Kyurem-Black | 7.523% | | 27 | Charizard-Mega-X | 7.382% | | 28 | Greninja | 7.272% | | 29 | Kommo-o | 6.785% | | 30 | Volcarona | 6.162% | | 31 | Skarmory | 6.134% | | 32 | Magnezone | 6.113% | | 33 | Scizor-Mega | 5.739% | | 34 | Tapu Bulu | 5.709% | | 35 | Lopunny-Mega | 5.611% | | 36 | Sableye-Mega | 5.549% | | 37 | Alakazam-Mega | 5.306% | | 38 | Celesteela | 5.202% | | 39 | Diancie-Mega | 5.028% | | 40 | Tyranitar | 4.769% | | 41 | Manaphy | 4.715% | | 42 | Charizard-Mega-Y | 4.685% | | 43 | Azumarill | 4.612% | | 44 | Blacephalon | 4.556% | | 45 | Jirachi | 4.258% | | 46 | Pinsir-Mega | 4.234% | | 47 | Tangrowth | 4.139% | | 48 | Mimikyu | 3.592% | | 49 | Bisharp | 3.591% | | 50 | Gyarados-Mega | 3.210% | | 51 | Cresselia | 2.976% | | 52 | Dragonite | 2.928% | | 53 | Crawdaunt | 2.850% | | 54 | Latias-Mega | 2.752% | | 55 | Zeraora | 2.554% | | 56 | Hoopa-Unbound | 2.525% | | 57 | Keldeo | 2.318% | | 58 | Weavile | 2.208% | | 59 | Mew | 2.113% | | 60 | Quagsire | 2.082% | | 61 | Venusaur-Mega | 2.051% | | 62 | Ditto | 1.895% | | 63 | Tyranitar-Mega | 1.868% | | 64 | Reuniclus | 1.813% | | 65 | Marowak-Alola | 1.779% | | 66 | Thundurus-Therian | 1.727% | | 67 | Torkoal | 1.720% | | 68 | Gastrodon | 1.625% | | 69 | Hippowdon | 1.575% | | 70 | Gardevoir-Mega | 1.570% | | 71 | Beedrill-Mega | 1.567% | | 72 | Muk-Alola | 1.522% | | 73 | Kingdra | 1.503% | | 74 | Shedinja | 1.434% | | 75 | Gyarados | 1.408% | | 76 | Breloom | 1.388% | | 77 | Togekiss | 1.358% | | 78 | Slowbro | 1.252% | | 79 | Azelf | 1.245% | | 80 | Venusaur | 1.120% | | 81 | Camerupt-Mega | 1.081% | | 82 | Latios | 1.066% | | 83 | Ribombee | 1.062% | | 84 | Araquanid | 1.061% | | 85 | Amoonguss | 1.056% | | 86 | Latios-Mega | 1.044% | | 87 | Hydreigon | 1.032% | | 88 | Volcanion | 1.009% | | 89 | Heracross-Mega | 0.987% | | 90 | Uxie | 0.965% | | 91 | Salamence | 0.955% | | 92 | Gallade-Mega | 0.942% | | 93 | Shuckle | 0.909% | | 94 | Manectric-Mega | 0.894% | | 95 | Infernape | 0.823% | | 96 | Conkeldurr | 0.820% | | 97 | Gengar | 0.804% | | 98 | Ninetales-Alola | 0.800% | | 99 | Stakataka | 0.788% | | 100 | Staraptor | 0.787% | | 101 | Galvantula | 0.784% | | 102 | Goodra | 0.779% | | 103 | Garchomp-Mega | 0.746% | | 104 | Scizor | 0.744% | | 105 | Mamoswine | 0.737% | | 106 | Primarina | 0.705% | | 107 | Swampert | 0.666% | | 108 | Talonflame | 0.651% | | 109 | Slowbro-Mega | 0.649% | | 110 | Alomomola | 0.647% | | 111 | Cofa*grigus | 0.638% | | 112 | Latias | 0.632% | | 113 | Porygon2 | 0.619% | | 114 | Chandelure | 0.602% | | 115 | Pikachu | 0.601% | | 116 | Blissey | 0.598% | | 117 | Xurkitree | 0.595% | | 118 | Porygon-Z | 0.592% | | 119 | Nidoking | 0.585% | | 120 | Alakazam | 0.585% | | 121 | Noivern | 0.584% | | 122 | Suicune | 0.564% | | 123 | Sharpedo-Mega | 0.562% | | 124 | Cloyster | 0.550% | | 125 | Altaria-Mega | 0.537% | | 126 | Snorlax | 0.530% | | 127 | Forretress | 0.511% | | 128 | Thundurus | 0.489% | | 129 | Moltres | 0.489% | | 130 | Buzzwole | 0.482% | | 131 | Kyurem | 0.482% | | 132 | Smeargle | 0.470% | | 133 | Mandibuzz | 0.463% | | 134 | Diggersby | 0.459% | | 135 | Darmanitan | 0.441% | | 136 | Avalugg | 0.429% | | 137 | Pyukumuku | 0.383% | | 138 | Empoleon | 0.365% | | 139 | Aggron-Mega | 0.343% | | 140 | Nihilego | 0.342% | | 141 | Umbreon | 0.340% | | 142 | Houndoom-Mega | 0.336% | | 143 | Aerodactyl | 0.336% | | 144 | Banette-Mega | 0.335% | | 145 | Espeon | 0.333% | | 146 | Crobat | 0.332% | | 147 | Rotom-Heat | 0.327% | | 148 | Starmie | 0.323% | | 149 | Bronzong | 0.318% | | 150 | Klefki | 0.314% | | 151 | Terrakion | 0.298% | | 152 | Seismitoad | 0.296% | | 153 | Aerodactyl-Mega | 0.292% | | 154 | Whimsicott | 0.279% | | 155 | Golisopod | 0.273% | | 156 | Sceptile-Mega | 0.271% | | 157 | Slurpuff | 0.270% | | 158 | Zygarde-10% | 0.265% | | 159 | Scolipede | 0.264% | | 160 | Leafeon | 0.255% | | 161 | Mantine | 0.247% | | 162 | Pidgeot-Mega | 0.240% | | 163 | Raichu-Alola | 0.235% | | 164 | Metagross | 0.230% | | 165 | Lucario | 0.217% | | 166 | Absol-Mega | 0.212% | | 167 | Tentacruel | 0.203% | | 168 | Krookodile | 0.200% | | 169 | Entei | 0.191% | | 170 | Zoroark | 0.191% | | 171 | Incineroar | 0.188% | | 172 | Minior | 0.188% | | 173 | Slowking | 0.188% | | 174 | Diancie | 0.185% | | 175 | Lycanroc-Dusk | 0.183% | | 176 | Doublade | 0.181% | | 177 | Milotic | 0.180% | | 178 | Blastoise | 0.179% | | 179 | Xatu | 0.177% | | 180 | Venomoth | 0.169% | | 181 | Sceptile | 0.169% | | 182 | Arcanine | 0.167% | | 183 | Dusclops | 0.166% | | 184 | Linoone | 0.166% | | 185 | Golem-Alola | 0.164% | | 186 | Sigilyph | 0.162% | | 187 | Yanmega | 0.160% | | 188 | Necrozma | 0.160% | | 189 | Roserade | 0.159% | | 190 | Feraligatr | 0.157% | | 191 | Vivillon | 0.156% | | 192 | Kabutops | 0.153% | | 193 | Sharpedo | 0.152% | | 194 | Flygon | 0.149% | | 195 | Dartrix | 0.146% | | 196 | Swellow | 0.145% | | 197 | Haxorus | 0.136% | | 198 | Ludicolo | 0.132% | | 199 | Donphan | 0.131% | | 200 | Audino | 0.126% | | 201 | Tornadus | 0.125% | | 202 | Slaking | 0.114% | | 203 | Politoed | 0.114% | | 204 | Ariados | 0.112% | | 205 | Dusknoir | 0.107% | | 206 | Jolteon | 0.100% | | 207 | Blastoise-Mega | 0.100% | | 208 | Rhyperior | 0.100% | + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +

No changes!


Combined usage for OU (1630 stats) + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + | Rank | Pokemon | Percent | + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + | 1 | Excadrill | 31.459% | | 2 | Landorus-Therian | 25.558% | | 3 | Rotom-Wash | 21.692% | | 4 | Heatran | 18.450% | | 5 | Serperior | 15.868% | | 6 | Clefable | 15.027% | | 7 | Tornadus-Therian | 14.955% | | 8 | Weavile | 14.604% | | 9 | Bisharp | 13.705% | | 10 | Ferrothorn | 13.175% | | 11 | Keldeo | 13.131% | | 12 | Tyranitar | 12.970% | | 13 | Garchomp | 12.953% | | 14 | Scizor-Mega | 12.579% | | 15 | Talonflame | 12.543% | | 16 | Latios | 12.096% | | 17 | Metagross-Mega | 10.879% | | 18 | Manaphy | 10.104% | | 19 | Lopunny-Mega | 9.775% | | 20 | Magnezone | 9.637% | | 21 | Latias | 8.999% | | 22 | Thundurus | 8.797% | | 23 | Azumarill | 8.471% | | 24 | Mew | 8.406% | | 25 | Dragonite | 7.871% | | 26 | Zapdos | 7.748% | | 27 | Gliscor | 7.462% | | 28 | Starmie | 7.420% | | 29 | Gengar | 7.143% | | 30 | Chansey | 6.998% | | 31 | Skarmory | 6.437% | | 32 | Medicham-Mega | 6.251% | | 33 | Azelf | 6.120% | | 34 | Amoonguss | 5.971% | | 35 | Charizard-Mega-Y | 5.951% | | 36 | Slowbro | 5.750% | | 37 | Breloom | 5.553% | | 38 | Diancie-Mega | 5.508% | | 39 | Volcarona | 5.254% | | 40 | Volcanion | 5.074% | | 41 | Tangrowth | 4.922% | | 42 | Kyurem-Black | 4.460% | | 43 | Hippowdon | 4.435% | | 44 | Manectric-Mega | 4.259% | | 45 | Charizard-Mega-X | 4.219% | | 46 | Pinsir-Mega | 4.061% | | 47 | Venusaur-Mega | 3.957% | | 48 | Gardevoir-Mega | 3.912% | | 49 | Jirachi | 3.774% | | 50 | Cofa*grigus | 3.708% | | 51 | Scizor | 3.671% | | 52 | Hydreigon | 3.428% | | 53 | Sylveon | 3.232% | | 54 | Gyarados-Mega | 3.166% | | 55 | Altaria-Mega | 2.846% | | 56 | Thundurus-Therian | 2.720% | | 57 | Shuckle | 2.613% | | 58 | Togekiss | 2.520% | | 59 | Crawdaunt | 2.447% | | 60 | Terrakion | 2.372% | | 61 | Suicune | 2.308% | | 62 | Alakazam-Mega | 2.297% | | 63 | Jellicent | 2.230% | | 64 | Seismitoad | 2.128% | | 65 | Latias-Mega | 2.089% | | 66 | Victini | 1.928% | | 67 | Diggersby | 1.806% | | 68 | Tyranitar-Mega | 1.803% | | 69 | Politoed | 1.795% | | 70 | Gastrodon | 1.614% | | 71 | Heracross-Mega | 1.565% | | 72 | Infernape | 1.553% | | 73 | Quagsire | 1.540% | | 74 | Klefki | 1.538% | | 75 | Latios-Mega | 1.513% | | 76 | Hoopa | 1.487% | | 77 | Alakazam | 1.464% | | 78 | Cloyster | 1.439% | | 79 | Garchomp-Mega | 1.438% | | 80 | Swampert-Mega | 1.429% | | 81 | Slowbro-Mega | 1.412% | | 82 | Nidoking | 1.387% | | 83 | Blissey | 1.357% | | 84 | Chandelure | 1.286% | | 85 | Galvantula | 1.129% | | 86 | Kingdra | 1.119% | | 87 | Conkeldurr | 1.050% | | 88 | Cresselia | 0.972% | | 89 | Raikou | 0.969% | | 90 | Metagross | 0.956% | | 91 | Milotic | 0.948% | | 92 | Rotom-Heat | 0.932% | | 93 | Tentacruel | 0.932% | | 94 | Mandibuzz | 0.907% | | 95 | Blastoise-Mega | 0.897% | | 96 | Beedrill-Mega | 0.882% | | 97 | Salamence | 0.880% | | 98 | Registeel | 0.858% | | 99 | Virizion | 0.850% | | 100 | Aerodactyl | 0.817% | | 101 | Aerodactyl-Mega | 0.816% | | 102 | Mamoswine | 0.813% | | 103 | Alomomola | 0.783% | | 104 | Ditto | 0.768% | | 105 | Hawlucha | 0.764% | | 106 | Sceptile-Mega | 0.715% | | 107 | Darmanitan | 0.681% | | 108 | Celebi | 0.679% | | 109 | Gyarados | 0.678% | | 110 | Chesnaught | 0.660% | | 111 | Espeon | 0.654% | | 112 | Reuniclus | 0.627% | | 113 | Crobat | 0.626% | | 114 | Zygarde | 0.625% | | 115 | Gallade-Mega | 0.620% | | 116 | Snorlax | 0.564% | | 117 | Staraptor | 0.548% | | 118 | Arcanine | 0.524% | | 119 | Lucario | 0.519% | | 120 | Dragalge | 0.514% | | 121 | Swampert | 0.507% | | 122 | Donphan | 0.492% | | 123 | Sharpedo-Mega | 0.461% | | 124 | Kyurem | 0.444% | | 125 | Absol-Mega | 0.441% | | 126 | Kabutops | 0.439% | | 127 | Entei | 0.435% | | 128 | Forretress | 0.417% | | 129 | Slowking | 0.410% | | 130 | Pidgeot-Mega | 0.409% | | 131 | Mienshao | 0.398% | | 132 | Empoleon | 0.398% | | 133 | Feraligatr | 0.382% | | 134 | Goodra | 0.373% | | 135 | Porygon2 | 0.365% | | 136 | Whimsicott | 0.359% | | 137 | Masquerain | 0.357% | | 138 | Scolipede | 0.351% | | 139 | Vaporeon | 0.326% | | 140 | Banette-Mega | 0.325% | | 141 | Haxorus | 0.316% | | 142 | Cobalion | 0.309% | | 143 | Sableye | 0.306% | | 144 | Machamp | 0.299% | | 145 | Flygon | 0.283% | | 146 | Ampharos-Mega | 0.273% | | 147 | Venusaur | 0.264% | | 148 | Ludicolo | 0.264% | | 149 | Abomasnow-Mega | 0.263% | | 150 | Roserade | 0.259% | | 151 | Uxie | 0.258% | | 152 | Umbreon | 0.257% | | 153 | Ninetales | 0.234% | | 154 | Porygon-Z | 0.230% | | 155 | Xatu | 0.229% | | 156 | Shaymin | 0.225% | | 157 | Bronzong | 0.223% | | 158 | Rampardos | 0.204% | | 159 | Jolteon | 0.198% | | 160 | Krookodile | 0.195% | | 161 | Florges | 0.184% | | 162 | Tyrantrum | 0.177% | | 163 | Meloetta | 0.175% | | 164 | Heracross | 0.174% | | 165 | Miltank | 0.173% | | 166 | Lanturn | 0.172% | | 167 | Heliolisk | 0.171% | | 168 | Smeargle | 0.167% | | 169 | Slurpuff | 0.167% | | 170 | Toxicroak | 0.167% | | 171 | Gardevoir | 0.166% | | 172 | Ursaring | 0.162% | | 173 | Hitmontop | 0.157% | | 174 | Noivern | 0.156% | | 175 | Rhyperior | 0.155% | | 176 | Poliwrath | 0.154% | | 177 | Honchkrow | 0.138% | | 178 | Zoroark | 0.136% | | 179 | Audino-Mega | 0.135% | | 180 | Ambipom | 0.134% | | 181 | Dusknoir | 0.133% | | 182 | Golem | 0.132% | | 183 | Aggron-Mega | 0.128% | | 184 | Dusclops | 0.126% | | 185 | Doublade | 0.124% | | 186 | Houndoom-Mega | 0.123% | | 187 | Omastar | 0.108% | | 188 | Magneton | 0.106% | | 189 | Lapras | 0.104% | | 190 | Barbaracle | 0.101% | + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +

No changes!


Combined usage for OU (1630 stats) + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + | Rank | Pokemon | Percent | + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + | 1 | Latios | 38.301% | | 2 | Tyranitar | 29.986% | | 3 | Garchomp | 27.826% | | 4 | Ferrothorn | 27.115% | | 5 | Dragonite | 23.977% | | 6 | Politoed | 23.423% | | 7 | Alakazam | 21.048% | | 8 | Jirachi | 20.987% | | 9 | Scizor | 20.422% | | 10 | Landorus-Therian | 19.446% | | 11 | Excadrill | 18.911% | | 12 | Starmie | 18.491% | | 13 | Keldeo | 17.715% | | 14 | Skarmory | 15.085% | | 15 | Magnezone | 14.966% | | 16 | Reuniclus | 13.297% | | 17 | Jellicent | 12.548% | | 18 | Tentacruel | 12.520% | | 19 | Volcarona | 12.379% | | 20 | Thundurus-Therian | 12.279% | | 21 | Gliscor | 11.698% | | 22 | Breloom | 11.258% | | 23 | Kyurem-Black | 10.791% | | 24 | Rotom-Wash | 8.538% | | 25 | Cloyster | 7.966% | | 26 | Mamoswine | 7.512% | | 27 | Heatran | 6.705% | | 28 | Toxicroak | 5.905% | | 29 | Forretress | 5.323% | | 30 | Celebi | 5.196% | | 31 | Gastrodon | 5.085% | | 32 | Terrakion | 5.006% | | 33 | Hydreigon | 4.651% | | 34 | Salamence | 4.489% | | 35 | Gengar | 4.221% | | 36 | Tornadus | 4.195% | | 37 | Ninetales | 4.057% | | 38 | Gyarados | 3.698% | | 39 | Feraligatr | 3.420% | | 40 | Mienshao | 3.218% | | 41 | Conkeldurr | 3.060% | | 42 | Blissey | 2.809% | | 43 | Xatu | 2.579% | | 44 | Infernape | 2.514% | | 45 | Machamp | 2.412% | | 46 | Donphan | 2.299% | | 47 | Amoonguss | 2.295% | | 48 | Latias | 2.217% | | 49 | Weavile | 2.142% | | 50 | Slowbro | 2.134% | | 51 | Lucario | 1.979% | | 52 | Bronzong | 1.912% | | 53 | Abomasnow | 1.828% | | 54 | Chansey | 1.789% | | 55 | Scrafty | 1.763% | | 56 | Hippowdon | 1.624% | | 57 | Metagross | 1.583% | | 58 | Azelf | 1.531% | | 59 | Aerodactyl | 1.495% | | 60 | Cresselia | 1.487% | | 61 | Togekiss | 1.298% | | 62 | Victini | 1.276% | | 63 | Jolteon | 1.059% | | 64 | Haxorus | 1.045% | | 65 | Zapdos | 1.028% | | 66 | Mew | 1.020% | | 67 | Blastoise | 0.933% | | 68 | Espeon | 0.919% | | 69 | Froslass | 0.828% | | 70 | Kyurem | 0.802% | | 71 | Slowking | 0.766% | | 72 | Gardevoir | 0.752% | | 73 | Chandelure | 0.734% | | 74 | Clefable | 0.716% | | 75 | Sableye | 0.716% | | 76 | Ditto | 0.591% | | 77 | Honchkrow | 0.587% | | 78 | Ambipom | 0.554% | | 79 | Escavalier | 0.554% | | 80 | Cinccino | 0.523% | | 81 | Heracross | 0.516% | | 82 | Seismitoad | 0.515% | | 83 | Snorlax | 0.493% | | 84 | Darmanitan | 0.472% | | 85 | Kingdra | 0.452% | | 86 | Bisharp | 0.423% | | 87 | Milotic | 0.411% | | 88 | Cofa*grigus | 0.399% | | 89 | Nidoking | 0.389% | | 90 | Sigilyph | 0.386% | | 91 | Mandibuzz | 0.384% | | 92 | Vaporeon | 0.368% | | 93 | Azumarill | 0.361% | | 94 | Moltres | 0.359% | | 95 | Quagsire | 0.354% | | 96 | Roserade | 0.346% | | 97 | Porygon2 | 0.331% | | 98 | Walrein | 0.325% | | 99 | Zoroark | 0.325% | | 100 | Sharpedo | 0.324% | | 101 | Suicune | 0.322% | | 102 | Crobat | 0.317% | | 103 | Golem | 0.305% | | 104 | Empoleon | 0.291% | | 105 | Arcanine | 0.280% | | 106 | Raikou | 0.276% | | 107 | Meloetta | 0.270% | | 108 | Sceptile | 0.264% | | 109 | Riolu | 0.244% | | 110 | Yanmega | 0.231% | | 111 | Uxie | 0.229% | | 112 | Shedinja | 0.225% | | 113 | Alomomola | 0.221% | | 114 | Umbreon | 0.204% | | 115 | Staraptor | 0.193% | | 116 | Exeggutor | 0.173% | | 117 | Cobalion | 0.173% | | 118 | Charizard | 0.169% | | 119 | Archeops | 0.168% | | 120 | Hitmontop | 0.164% | | 121 | Whiscash | 0.160% | | 122 | Tangrowth | 0.154% | | 123 | Krookodile | 0.150% | | 124 | Whimsicott | 0.146% | | 125 | Rhyperior | 0.142% | | 126 | Porygon-Z | 0.142% | | 127 | Piloswine | 0.133% | | 128 | Durant | 0.128% | | 129 | Eelektross | 0.110% | | 130 | Spiritomb | 0.109% | | 131 | Rotom | 0.106% | | 132 | Gallade | 0.106% | | 133 | Virizion | 0.104% | | 134 | Braviary | 0.101% | + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +

Latias moved from OU to (OU)


Combined usage for OU (1630 stats) + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + | Rank | Pokemon | Percent | + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + | 1 | Tyranitar | 47.426% | | 2 | Jirachi | 43.043% | | 3 | Latias | 38.255% | | 4 | Heatran | 29.483% | | 5 | Gyarados | 27.067% | | 6 | Breloom | 26.671% | | 7 | Metagross | 22.785% | | 8 | Starmie | 19.974% | | 9 | Gengar | 19.777% | | 10 | Scizor | 18.917% | | 11 | Dragonite | 17.408% | | 12 | Skarmory | 17.232% | | 13 | Flygon | 16.864% | | 14 | Swampert | 15.949% | | 15 | Infernape | 15.280% | | 16 | Clefable | 12.844% | | 17 | Lucario | 12.810% | | 18 | Azelf | 12.675% | | 19 | Rotom-Wash | 12.103% | | 20 | Machamp | 11.782% | | 21 | Rotom-Heat | 10.934% | | 22 | Bronzong | 10.596% | | 23 | Zapdos | 10.399% | | 24 | Suicune | 10.382% | | 25 | Roserade | 9.938% | | 26 | Hippowdon | 8.933% | | 27 | Magnezone | 8.620% | | 28 | Empoleon | 7.591% | | 29 | Gliscor | 6.314% | | 30 | Celebi | 5.515% | | 31 | Forretress | 5.157% | | 32 | Kingdra | 4.915% | | 33 | Aerodactyl | 4.811% | | 34 | Weavile | 4.549% | | 35 | Donphan | 3.731% | | 36 | Blissey | 3.360% | | 37 | Uxie | 3.023% | | 38 | Mamoswine | 2.036% | | 39 | Tentacruel | 1.743% | | 40 | Nidoqueen | 1.668% | | 41 | Vaporeon | 1.585% | | 42 | Milotic | 1.495% | | 43 | Raikou | 1.482% | | 44 | Togekiss | 1.413% | | 45 | Snorlax | 1.295% | | 46 | Rotom-Mow | 1.243% | | 47 | Slowbro | 1.146% | | 48 | Abomasnow | 1.143% | | 49 | Crobat | 1.126% | | 50 | Ludicolo | 1.092% | | 51 | Magneton | 1.091% | | 52 | Qwilfish | 0.986% | | 53 | Jolteon | 0.945% | | 54 | Gallade | 0.899% | | 55 | Quagsire | 0.835% | | 56 | Cresselia | 0.796% | | 57 | Arcanine | 0.778% | | 58 | Camerupt | 0.741% | | 59 | Heracross | 0.694% | | 60 | Aggron | 0.685% | | 61 | Hitmontop | 0.639% | | 62 | Rotom-Frost | 0.618% | | 63 | Claydol | 0.616% | | 64 | Rhyperior | 0.608% | | 65 | Dusknoir | 0.600% | | 66 | Moltres | 0.586% | | 67 | Froslass | 0.566% | | 68 | Electivire | 0.540% | | 69 | Registeel | 0.534% | | 70 | Porygon-Z | 0.532% | | 71 | Shaymin | 0.515% | | 72 | Honchkrow | 0.508% | | 73 | Spiritomb | 0.451% | | 74 | Yanmega | 0.437% | | 75 | Feraligatr | 0.416% | | 76 | Kabutops | 0.407% | | 77 | Gastrodon | 0.405% | | 78 | Smeargle | 0.398% | | 79 | Mesprit | 0.393% | | 80 | Clamperl | 0.355% | | 81 | Blaziken | 0.243% | | 82 | Swellow | 0.236% | | 83 | Azumarill | 0.225% | | 84 | Staraptor | 0.221% | | 85 | Cloyster | 0.206% | | 86 | Sceptile | 0.202% | | 87 | Walrein | 0.197% | | 88 | Blastoise | 0.186% | | 89 | Houndoom | 0.180% | | 90 | Omastar | 0.178% | | 91 | Lanturn | 0.167% | | 92 | Umbreon | 0.167% | | 93 | Hariyama | 0.163% | | 94 | Alakazam | 0.155% | | 95 | Cradily | 0.148% | | 96 | Miltank | 0.127% | | 97 | Slowking | 0.122% | | 98 | Venusaur | 0.109% | + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +

No changes!


sumwun said:

Why is this page blank?

The ladder was renamed before anyone reached that rating; check gen9battlestadiumsinglesseries1 instead.

ken_ said:

In the monotype subfolder, the only type that includes generation 9 pokémon is Normal. And it includes all the new pokémon. That being said, the numbers for most don't remotely match the overall monotype 1760.

Good catch, thanks, I'll look into this for next month.


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Research Leader

Feb 1, 2023

  • #10

Stats for January are now up!


Feb 1, 2023

  • #11

Should Greninja really be dropping from Doubles OU to Doubles UU considering it didn't even have 5 full days in the tier? Is there any precedent for this, or is that up to the tier leaders?


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Research Leader

Feb 1, 2023

  • #12

Mijzelffan said:

Should Greninja really be dropping from Doubles OU to Doubles UU considering it didn't even have 5 full days in the tier? Is there any precedent for this, or is that up to the tier leaders?

No, it had enough usage to stay OU despite having less than a week of usage and then I forgot to even check other formats. Kris pointed it out while updating PS and I corrected it before my post above.


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Research Leader

Mar 1, 2023

  • #13

Stats for February are now up!


Mar 16, 2023

  • #14

Marty said:

12. Can I perform my own analyses?
If you have background with a programming language that can parse json, take a look in the "chaos" folder of each month's stats. Those files contain all the information used to generate the moveset statistics.

Forgive me if I'm missing anything but the chaos section of the stats looked like the raw output from Antar's script, is it possible to get the logs/inputs for Antar's script or is that hidden info? Even anonymised data would be interesting to play with.


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Research Leader

Mar 18, 2023

  • #15

Shazbah said:

Forgive me if I'm missing anything but the chaos section of the stats looked like the raw output from Antar's script, is it possible to get the logs/inputs for Antar's script or is that hidden info? Even anonymised data would be interesting to play with.

As far as I know the data grant process is on hold at the moment. There's a backlog of requests and it takes a long time to anonymize the logs and follow up with each person for whatever project they're working on.

There are of course prerequisites for having data granted in the first place:

  • Data may only be requested for a specifically scoped use case and may not be used in an open ended manner.
  • The data will first be processed to help preserve the privacy of our users. Specifically, chat messages, battle IDs, and usernames will be removed, while timestamps and player ratings will be rounded or otherwise simplified.
  • The data must be kept confidential: you may not share the data with anyone without permission from Showdown, nor should others be allowed to view it.
  • Code used to process the data must be provided for review before the data is granted. In some cases, a general plan of research is sufficient as long as the code is made available to us later.
  • Smogon and Pokémon Showdown reserves the right to redact any reports or products as they see fit in the event these reports or products are published or made publicly available online or otherwise.


Mar 19, 2023

  • #16

To start with I wanted to see if I could add Tera types to the monthly data output but that sounds next to impossible/not worth the hassle?

I also wanted to have a more in-depth look of teams used on ladder. I assume looking at individual teams wouldn't be granted but some sort of system so you could filter down the info a bit more would be interesting.

Taking the example below I was thinking instead of seeing all the info for Gastly rolled into one you would be able to look at Gastly's with Eviolite or Gastly's with a certain EV spread and then seeing all the info for that subset. Or (for example) filtering out a EV spread you're not interested and seeing if that changes the move set of a certain pokemon.

That might be asking too much/not possible with these (understandable) restrictions.

Gen 9 Smogon University Usage Statistics Discussion Thread (90)


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Research Leader

Apr 1, 2023

  • #17

Stats for March are now up!

Shazbah said:

To start with I wanted to see if I could add Tera types to the monthly data output but that sounds next to impossible/not worth the hassle?

Anything is possible, I'm just not going to be the person to do it, for reasons already stated in this thread. I'm also not in charge of the data grant process so I can't help you with the rest.


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Research Leader

May 1, 2023

  • #18

Stats for April are now up!


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Research Leader

Jun 2, 2023

  • #19

Stats for May are now up!


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Research Leader

Jul 1, 2023

  • #20

Stats for June are now up!


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Research Leader

Jul 15, 2023

  • #21

Time for another "OU by technicality" report!

January through June 2023 usage stats for past gen OU tiers, averaged equally with a 2.28% "drop" cutoff, except Gen 8 OU (new!) which has it set at 3.41%. Rising back to OU from "OU by technicality" requires usage above the original cutoff for the respective generation.


Combined usage for OU (1630 stats) + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + | Rank | Pokemon | Percent | + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + | 1 | Landorus-Therian | 38.222% | | 2 | Ferrothorn | 26.900% | | 3 | Dragapult | 24.634% | | 4 | Garchomp | 20.183% | | 5 | Heatran | 18.644% | | 6 | Zapdos | 16.942% | | 7 | Clefable | 16.573% | | 8 | Melmetal | 16.027% | | 9 | Tapu Lele | 15.699% | | 10 | Urshifu-Rapid-Strike | 15.272% | | 11 | Toxapex | 15.265% | | 12 | Weavile | 14.982% | | 13 | Corviknight | 14.490% | | 14 | Kartana | 13.895% | | 15 | Rillaboom | 12.407% | | 16 | Tornadus-Therian | 12.143% | | 17 | Tyranitar | 10.135% | | 18 | Slowbro | 9.536% | | 19 | Pelipper | 9.409% | | 20 | Blissey | 9.351% | | 21 | Barraskewda | 7.807% | | 22 | Blacephalon | 7.442% | | 23 | Slowking-Galar | 7.104% | | 24 | Tapu Koko | 7.037% | | 25 | Ninetales-Alola | 7.033% | | 26 | Tapu Fini | 7.003% | | 27 | Excadrill | 6.918% | | 28 | Rotom-Wash | 6.764% | | 29 | Crawdaunt | 6.679% | | 30 | Buzzwole | 6.555% | | 31 | Volcarona | 6.498% | | 32 | Zeraora | 6.263% | | 33 | Dragonite | 6.254% | | 34 | Mew | 5.383% | | 35 | Volcanion | 5.125% | | 36 | Victini | 5.121% | | 37 | Blaziken | 4.972% | | 38 | Hatterene | 4.937% | | 39 | Nidoking | 4.743% | | 40 | Skarmory | 4.184% | | 41 | Marowak-Alola | 3.825% | | 42 | Hawlucha | 3.737% | | 43 | Hippowdon | 3.730% | | 44 | Magnezone | 3.575% | | 45 | Bisharp | 3.574% | | 46 | Arctozolt | 3.554% | | 47 | Aegislash | 3.492% | | 48 | Regieleki | 3.478% | | 49 | Seismitoad | 3.416% | | 50 | Scizor | 3.304% | | 51 | Quagsire | 3.112% | | 52 | Celesteela | 3.107% | | 53 | Slowking | 3.070% | | 54 | Porygon2 | 2.918% | | 55 | Gastrodon | 2.737% | | 56 | Kommo-o | 2.700% | | 57 | Tangrowth | 2.652% | | 58 | Zapdos-Galar | 2.480% | | 59 | Cresselia | 2.462% | | 60 | Chansey | 2.443% | | 61 | Hydreigon | 2.266% | | 62 | Cloyster | 2.204% | | 63 | Suicune | 1.969% | | 64 | Kingdra | 1.866% | | 65 | Latios | 1.845% | | 66 | Gengar | 1.804% | | 67 | Torkoal | 1.786% | | 68 | Swampert | 1.752% | | 69 | Latias | 1.693% | | 70 | Porygon-Z | 1.690% | | 71 | Azumarill | 1.675% | | 72 | Mandibuzz | 1.544% | | 73 | Gyarados | 1.499% | | 74 | Nihilego | 1.459% | | 75 | Venusaur | 1.435% | | 76 | Rotom-Heat | 1.386% | | 77 | Dracozolt | 1.385% | | 78 | Moltres-Galar | 1.345% | | 79 | Alakazam | 1.329% | | 80 | Ditto | 1.260% | | 81 | Polteageist | 1.235% | | 82 | Snorlax | 1.226% | | 83 | Mamoswine | 1.219% | | 84 | Togekiss | 1.192% | | 85 | Reuniclus | 1.112% | | 86 | Grimmsnarl | 1.104% | | 87 | Kabutops | 1.002% | | 88 | Tapu Bulu | 0.977% | | 89 | Obstagoon | 0.946% | | 90 | Jirachi | 0.887% | | 91 | Bronzong | 0.869% | | 92 | Conkeldurr | 0.859% | | 93 | Metagross | 0.816% | | 94 | Salamence | 0.795% | | 95 | Amoonguss | 0.773% | | 96 | Umbreon | 0.732% | | 97 | Mantine | 0.696% | | 98 | Klefki | 0.683% | | 99 | Keldeo | 0.646% | | 100 | Xatu | 0.634% | | 101 | Mimikyu | 0.626% | | 102 | Heliolisk | 0.626% | | 103 | Druddigon | 0.625% | | 104 | Drampa | 0.620% | | 105 | Shuckle | 0.606% | | 106 | Shedinja | 0.599% | | 107 | Stakataka | 0.571% | | 108 | Milotic | 0.562% | | 109 | Thundurus-Therian | 0.561% | | 110 | Aggron | 0.544% | | 111 | Charizard | 0.530% | | 112 | Darmanitan | 0.508% | | 113 | Slurpuff | 0.494% | | 114 | Diggersby | 0.491% | | 115 | Scolipede | 0.488% | | 116 | Lycanroc-Dusk | 0.481% | | 117 | Terrakion | 0.471% | | 118 | Krookodile | 0.447% | | 119 | Xurkitree | 0.439% | | 120 | Shiftry | 0.390% | | 121 | Ninetales | 0.389% | | 122 | Espeon | 0.369% | | 123 | Primarina | 0.369% | | 124 | Moltres | 0.368% | | 125 | Necrozma | 0.343% | | 126 | Zarude | 0.338% | | 127 | Haxorus | 0.332% | | 128 | Ribombee | 0.326% | | 129 | Blastoise | 0.324% | | 130 | Lanturn | 0.319% | | 131 | Incineroar | 0.317% | | 132 | Sigilyph | 0.309% | | 133 | Inteleon | 0.303% | | 134 | Araquanid | 0.300% | | 135 | Toxtricity | 0.277% | | 136 | Arcanine | 0.260% | | 137 | Mienshao | 0.255% | | 138 | Chandelure | 0.250% | | 139 | Slowbro-Galar | 0.244% | | 140 | Vanilluxe | 0.242% | | 141 | Azelf | 0.236% | | 142 | Regidrago | 0.236% | | 143 | Lucario | 0.231% | | 144 | Salazzle | 0.226% | | 145 | Gigalith | 0.219% | | 146 | Entei | 0.217% | | 147 | Corsola-Galar | 0.212% | | 148 | Cursola | 0.202% | | 149 | Weezing-Galar | 0.190% | | 150 | Golisopod | 0.188% | | 151 | Flygon | 0.187% | | 152 | Aerodactyl | 0.186% | | 153 | Tentacruel | 0.182% | | 154 | Politoed | 0.182% | | 155 | Gardevoir | 0.181% | | 156 | Sylveon | 0.170% | | 157 | Jolteon | 0.169% | | 158 | Whimsicott | 0.167% | | 159 | Starmie | 0.165% | | 160 | Scrafty | 0.165% | | 161 | Galvantula | 0.164% | | 162 | Lapras | 0.163% | | 163 | Heracross | 0.162% | | 164 | Bewear | 0.154% | | 165 | Thundurus | 0.154% | | 166 | Pyukumuku | 0.152% | | 167 | Tyrantrum | 0.146% | | 168 | Glastrier | 0.139% | | 169 | Golurk | 0.133% | | 170 | Rhyperior | 0.127% | | 171 | Archeops | 0.125% | | 172 | Goodra | 0.122% | | 173 | Raichu-Alola | 0.121% | | 174 | Accelgor | 0.118% | | 175 | Avalugg | 0.114% | | 176 | Vikavolt | 0.113% | | 177 | Miltank | 0.113% | | 178 | Sandaconda | 0.111% | | 179 | Exploud | 0.107% | | 180 | Machamp | 0.105% | | 181 | Talonflame | 0.104% | | 182 | Omastar | 0.103% | | 183 | Clawitzer | 0.103% | | 184 | Sirfetch’d | 0.103% | | 185 | Crobat | 0.101% | | 186 | Zygarde-10% | 0.101% | | 187 | Electivire | 0.101% | + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +

No changes!


Combined usage for OU (1630 stats) + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + | Rank | Pokemon | Percent | + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + | 1 | Landorus-Therian | 42.286% | | 2 | Magearna | 28.826% | | 3 | Tapu Koko | 19.294% | | 4 | Ferrothorn | 18.642% | | 5 | Greninja-Ash | 16.318% | | 6 | Kartana | 16.092% | | 7 | Tornadus-Therian | 14.974% | | 8 | Rotom-Wash | 13.541% | | 9 | Heatran | 13.259% | | 10 | Toxapex | 12.713% | | 11 | Tapu Lele | 12.627% | | 12 | Excadrill | 12.275% | | 13 | Greninja | 11.166% | | 14 | Medicham-Mega | 10.697% | | 15 | Tapu Fini | 10.642% | | 16 | Hawlucha | 10.594% | | 17 | Serperior | 10.285% | | 18 | Gliscor | 10.129% | | 19 | Chansey | 10.074% | | 20 | Garchomp | 9.206% | | 21 | Clefable | 8.820% | | 22 | Pelipper | 8.299% | | 23 | Zapdos | 8.173% | | 24 | Kyurem-Black | 8.080% | | 25 | Lopunny-Mega | 7.965% | | 26 | Victini | 7.929% | | 27 | Swampert-Mega | 7.923% | | 28 | Mawile-Mega | 7.547% | | 29 | Volcarona | 7.368% | | 30 | Skarmory | 6.132% | | 31 | Kommo-o | 6.104% | | 32 | Alakazam-Mega | 6.033% | | 33 | Tapu Bulu | 5.844% | | 34 | Scizor-Mega | 5.822% | | 35 | Magnezone | 5.696% | | 36 | Diancie-Mega | 5.609% | | 37 | Celesteela | 5.592% | | 38 | Sableye-Mega | 5.201% | | 39 | Charizard-Mega-X | 5.172% | | 40 | Blacephalon | 4.826% | | 41 | Tyranitar | 4.784% | | 42 | Manaphy | 4.704% | | 43 | Charizard-Mega-Y | 4.543% | | 44 | Gyarados-Mega | 4.092% | | 45 | Tangrowth | 4.068% | | 46 | Crawdaunt | 4.010% | | 47 | Latias-Mega | 3.848% | | 48 | Jirachi | 3.719% | | 49 | Azumarill | 3.520% | | 50 | Pinsir-Mega | 3.515% | | 51 | Mimikyu | 3.139% | | 52 | Dragonite | 3.126% | | 53 | Hoopa-Unbound | 2.932% | | 54 | Weavile | 2.927% | | 55 | Cresselia | 2.919% | | 56 | Bisharp | 2.894% | | 57 | Reuniclus | 2.866% | | 58 | Keldeo | 2.819% | | 59 | Tyranitar-Mega | 2.249% | | 60 | Marowak-Alola | 2.158% | | 61 | Venusaur-Mega | 2.055% | | 62 | Ditto | 2.009% | | 63 | Mew | 1.857% | | 64 | Gyarados | 1.838% | | 65 | Gastrodon | 1.823% | | 66 | Hydreigon | 1.781% | | 67 | Hippowdon | 1.732% | | 68 | Thundurus-Therian | 1.680% | | 69 | Shedinja | 1.665% | | 70 | Slowbro | 1.644% | | 71 | Quagsire | 1.621% | | 72 | Amoonguss | 1.594% | | 73 | Heracross-Mega | 1.457% | | 74 | Zeraora | 1.412% | | 75 | Kingdra | 1.395% | | 76 | Beedrill-Mega | 1.364% | | 77 | Muk-Alola | 1.282% | | 78 | Breloom | 1.189% | | 79 | Ribombee | 1.180% | | 80 | Latios | 1.174% | | 81 | Azelf | 1.144% | | 82 | Gengar | 1.100% | | 83 | Togekiss | 1.100% | | 84 | Torkoal | 1.066% | | 85 | Ninetales-Alola | 1.041% | | 86 | Alomomola | 1.026% | | 87 | Garchomp-Mega | 1.025% | | 88 | Scizor | 1.008% | | 89 | Araquanid | 0.987% | | 90 | Conkeldurr | 0.956% | | 91 | Mamoswine | 0.942% | | 92 | Manectric-Mega | 0.941% | | 93 | Latios-Mega | 0.925% | | 94 | Gallade-Mega | 0.892% | | 95 | Volcanion | 0.891% | | 96 | Kyurem | 0.862% | | 97 | Suicune | 0.833% | | 98 | Shuckle | 0.812% | | 99 | Nidoking | 0.804% | | 100 | Slowbro-Mega | 0.784% | | 101 | Camerupt-Mega | 0.775% | | 102 | Infernape | 0.775% | | 103 | Bronzong | 0.761% | | 104 | Diggersby | 0.748% | | 105 | Seismitoad | 0.734% | | 106 | Cloyster | 0.730% | | 107 | Thundurus | 0.729% | | 108 | Stakataka | 0.719% | | 109 | Gardevoir-Mega | 0.680% | | 110 | Blissey | 0.675% | | 111 | Venusaur | 0.650% | | 112 | Uxie | 0.639% | | 113 | Staraptor | 0.635% | | 114 | Porygon-Z | 0.634% | | 115 | Altaria-Mega | 0.614% | | 116 | Cofa*grigus | 0.604% | | 117 | Audino | 0.594% | | 118 | Raichu-Alola | 0.571% | | 119 | Xurkitree | 0.563% | | 120 | Latias | 0.562% | | 121 | Salamence | 0.555% | | 122 | Tentacruel | 0.548% | | 123 | Smeargle | 0.520% | | 124 | Sharpedo-Mega | 0.514% | | 125 | Swampert | 0.512% | | 126 | Metagross | 0.500% | | 127 | Galvantula | 0.495% | | 128 | Alakazam | 0.477% | | 129 | Starmie | 0.470% | | 130 | Forretress | 0.466% | | 131 | Mandibuzz | 0.458% | | 132 | Snorlax | 0.436% | | 133 | Sceptile-Mega | 0.435% | | 134 | Buzzwole | 0.435% | | 135 | Espeon | 0.430% | | 136 | Chandelure | 0.426% | | 137 | Aggron-Mega | 0.420% | | 138 | Porygon2 | 0.408% | | 139 | Aerodactyl-Mega | 0.392% | | 140 | Banette-Mega | 0.384% | | 141 | Feraligatr | 0.384% | | 142 | Crobat | 0.367% | | 143 | Yanmega | 0.339% | | 144 | Mantine | 0.333% | | 145 | Darmanitan | 0.327% | | 146 | Sigilyph | 0.318% | | 147 | Moltres | 0.311% | | 148 | Aerodactyl | 0.308% | | 149 | Whimsicott | 0.305% | | 150 | Nihilego | 0.277% | | 151 | Krookodile | 0.272% | | 152 | Pyukumuku | 0.263% | | 153 | Arcanine | 0.253% | | 154 | Avalugg | 0.248% | | 155 | Scolipede | 0.242% | | 156 | Lucario | 0.234% | | 157 | Incineroar | 0.229% | | 158 | Primarina | 0.224% | | 159 | Donphan | 0.224% | | 160 | Roserade | 0.222% | | 161 | Klefki | 0.217% | | 162 | Leafeon | 0.216% | | 163 | Slowking | 0.213% | | 164 | Umbreon | 0.212% | | 165 | Empoleon | 0.208% | | 166 | Terrakion | 0.207% | | 167 | Mienshao | 0.204% | | 168 | Zygarde-10% | 0.202% | | 169 | Rotom-Heat | 0.200% | | 170 | Doublade | 0.198% | | 171 | Houndoom-Mega | 0.193% | | 172 | Tornadus | 0.192% | | 173 | Ampharos-Mega | 0.184% | | 174 | Necrozma | 0.179% | | 175 | Golisopod | 0.175% | | 176 | Goodra | 0.174% | | 177 | Sceptile | 0.167% | | 178 | Talonflame | 0.166% | | 179 | Rhyperior | 0.165% | | 180 | Golem-Alola | 0.162% | | 181 | Chesnaught | 0.148% | | 182 | Blastoise-Mega | 0.147% | | 183 | Absol-Mega | 0.147% | | 184 | Pidgeot-Mega | 0.147% | | 185 | Florges | 0.146% | | 186 | Milotic | 0.142% | | 187 | Zoroark | 0.142% | | 188 | Toxicroak | 0.139% | | 189 | Glalie-Mega | 0.130% | | 190 | Lycanroc | 0.126% | | 191 | Hoopa | 0.125% | | 192 | Linoone | 0.125% | | 193 | Haxorus | 0.123% | | 194 | Xatu | 0.123% | | 195 | Entei | 0.122% | | 196 | Machamp | 0.120% | | 197 | Celebi | 0.118% | | 198 | Crustle | 0.117% | | 199 | Lycanroc-Dusk | 0.116% | | 200 | Jolteon | 0.113% | | 201 | Sylveon | 0.112% | | 202 | Raikou | 0.112% | | 203 | Heracross | 0.111% | | 204 | Vivillon | 0.110% | | 205 | Slurpuff | 0.106% | | 206 | Hitmonlee | 0.104% | | 207 | Sharpedo | 0.104% | | 208 | Minior | 0.103% | + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +

No changes!


Combined usage for OU (1630 stats) + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + | Rank | Pokemon | Percent | + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + | 1 | Excadrill | 31.555% | | 2 | Landorus-Therian | 24.547% | | 3 | Clefable | 19.412% | | 4 | Rotom-Wash | 17.074% | | 5 | Serperior | 16.511% | | 6 | Keldeo | 16.274% | | 7 | Bisharp | 14.581% | | 8 | Heatran | 14.109% | | 9 | Tornadus-Therian | 14.007% | | 10 | Ferrothorn | 13.969% | | 11 | Garchomp | 13.795% | | 12 | Tyranitar | 13.563% | | 13 | Weavile | 13.262% | | 14 | Zapdos | 12.522% | | 15 | Metagross-Mega | 12.411% | | 16 | Talonflame | 10.836% | | 17 | Lopunny-Mega | 10.573% | | 18 | Latios | 10.502% | | 19 | Scizor-Mega | 10.266% | | 20 | Manaphy | 9.897% | | 21 | Gengar | 9.515% | | 22 | Azumarill | 9.430% | | 23 | Skarmory | 9.271% | | 24 | Chansey | 8.530% | | 25 | Thundurus | 8.347% | | 26 | Starmie | 7.867% | | 27 | Gliscor | 7.802% | | 28 | Dragonite | 7.781% | | 29 | Volcarona | 7.441% | | 30 | Slowbro | 7.378% | | 31 | Latias | 7.307% | | 32 | Magnezone | 6.485% | | 33 | Amoonguss | 6.062% | | 34 | Breloom | 5.971% | | 35 | Charizard-Mega-Y | 5.425% | | 36 | Diancie-Mega | 5.296% | | 37 | Volcanion | 5.162% | | 38 | Charizard-Mega-X | 5.017% | | 39 | Medicham-Mega | 4.599% | | 40 | Mew | 4.400% | | 41 | Manectric-Mega | 4.359% | | 42 | Kyurem-Black | 4.328% | | 43 | Pinsir-Mega | 4.295% | | 44 | Azelf | 4.161% | | 45 | Tangrowth | 4.011% | | 46 | Venusaur-Mega | 3.775% | | 47 | Jirachi | 3.712% | | 48 | Gardevoir-Mega | 3.666% | | 49 | Hippowdon | 3.504% | | 50 | Cofa*grigus | 3.224% | | 51 | Altaria-Mega | 3.148% | | 52 | Shuckle | 3.109% | | 53 | Alakazam-Mega | 3.108% | | 54 | Crawdaunt | 2.736% | | 55 | Scizor | 2.676% | | 56 | Hydreigon | 2.659% | | 57 | Gyarados-Mega | 2.468% | | 58 | Slowbro-Mega | 2.444% | | 59 | Salamence | 2.431% | | 60 | Suicune | 2.428% | | 61 | Mamoswine | 2.363% | | 62 | Klefki | 2.340% | | 63 | Thundurus-Therian | 2.234% | | 64 | Blastoise-Mega | 2.100% | | 65 | Metagross | 2.064% | | 66 | Cloyster | 2.059% | | 67 | Tyranitar-Mega | 1.987% | | 68 | Latias-Mega | 1.970% | | 69 | Conkeldurr | 1.905% | | 70 | Mandibuzz | 1.896% | | 71 | Jellicent | 1.850% | | 72 | Togekiss | 1.841% | | 73 | Hoopa | 1.828% | | 74 | Victini | 1.825% | | 75 | Gastrodon | 1.742% | | 76 | Gyarados | 1.729% | | 77 | Arcanine | 1.652% | | 78 | Politoed | 1.623% | | 79 | Tentacruel | 1.595% | | 80 | Heracross-Mega | 1.591% | | 81 | Seismitoad | 1.544% | | 82 | Quagsire | 1.414% | | 83 | Nidoking | 1.388% | | 84 | Espeon | 1.360% | | 85 | Infernape | 1.294% | | 86 | Blissey | 1.267% | | 87 | Sceptile-Mega | 1.254% | | 88 | Gallade-Mega | 1.239% | | 89 | Cresselia | 1.220% | | 90 | Alakazam | 1.103% | | 91 | Kingdra | 1.098% | | 92 | Swampert-Mega | 1.052% | | 93 | Aerodactyl | 1.025% | | 94 | Raikou | 1.007% | | 95 | Staraptor | 0.963% | | 96 | Swampert | 0.962% | | 97 | Terrakion | 0.960% | | 98 | Garchomp-Mega | 0.954% | | 99 | Porygon2 | 0.950% | | 100 | Reuniclus | 0.920% | | 101 | Alomomola | 0.886% | | 102 | Hawlucha | 0.840% | | 103 | Galvantula | 0.745% | | 104 | Kyurem | 0.716% | | 105 | Empoleon | 0.687% | | 106 | Absol-Mega | 0.681% | | 107 | Sylveon | 0.678% | | 108 | Chesnaught | 0.646% | | 109 | Umbreon | 0.634% | | 110 | Vaporeon | 0.616% | | 111 | Doublade | 0.612% | | 112 | Diggersby | 0.602% | | 113 | Chandelure | 0.599% | | 114 | Roserade | 0.597% | | 115 | Cobalion | 0.594% | | 116 | Forretress | 0.591% | | 117 | Milotic | 0.578% | | 118 | Zygarde | 0.557% | | 119 | Whimsicott | 0.550% | | 120 | Snorlax | 0.528% | | 121 | Donphan | 0.528% | | 122 | Ditto | 0.524% | | 123 | Beedrill-Mega | 0.500% | | 124 | Slowking | 0.474% | | 125 | Aerodactyl-Mega | 0.453% | | 126 | Rotom-Heat | 0.430% | | 127 | Latios-Mega | 0.430% | | 128 | Krookodile | 0.428% | | 129 | Celebi | 0.409% | | 130 | Mienshao | 0.407% | | 131 | Darmanitan | 0.381% | | 132 | Goodra | 0.379% | | 133 | Scolipede | 0.373% | | 134 | Feraligatr | 0.359% | | 135 | Lucario | 0.352% | | 136 | Machamp | 0.349% | | 137 | Bronzong | 0.348% | | 138 | Sableye | 0.326% | | 139 | Dragalge | 0.325% | | 140 | Honchkrow | 0.301% | | 141 | Jolteon | 0.283% | | 142 | Uxie | 0.274% | | 143 | Pidgeot-Mega | 0.261% | | 144 | Ampharos-Mega | 0.245% | | 145 | Crobat | 0.244% | | 146 | Sharpedo-Mega | 0.240% | | 147 | Venusaur | 0.239% | | 148 | Heracross | 0.232% | | 149 | Entei | 0.218% | | 150 | Rotom-Mow | 0.196% | | 151 | Porygon-Z | 0.196% | | 152 | Xatu | 0.187% | | 153 | Haxorus | 0.184% | | 154 | Ninetales | 0.178% | | 155 | Slaking | 0.173% | | 156 | Aggron-Mega | 0.172% | | 157 | Rhyperior | 0.171% | | 158 | Steelix-Mega | 0.169% | | 159 | Slurpuff | 0.167% | | 160 | Trevenant | 0.166% | | 161 | Poliwrath | 0.166% | | 162 | Zoroark | 0.156% | | 163 | Heliolisk | 0.155% | | 164 | Yanmega | 0.152% | | 165 | Magneton | 0.152% | | 166 | Gardevoir | 0.145% | | 167 | Banette-Mega | 0.135% | | 168 | Blastoise | 0.124% | | 169 | Moltres | 0.123% | | 170 | Cinccino | 0.121% | | 171 | Lanturn | 0.121% | | 172 | Ludicolo | 0.120% | | 173 | Omastar | 0.120% | | 174 | Froslass | 0.119% | | 175 | Ambipom | 0.118% | | 176 | Weezing | 0.116% | | 177 | Carbink | 0.116% | | 178 | Typhlosion | 0.115% | | 179 | Meloetta | 0.111% | | 180 | Sharpedo | 0.109% | | 181 | Florges | 0.106% | | 182 | Nidoqueen | 0.104% | | 183 | Swellow | 0.103% | | 184 | Ursaring | 0.100% | + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +

No changes!


Combined usage for OU (1630 stats) + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + | Rank | Pokemon | Percent | + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + | 1 | Latios | 38.604% | | 2 | Tyranitar | 28.193% | | 3 | Garchomp | 27.027% | | 4 | Ferrothorn | 26.967% | | 5 | Scizor | 24.622% | | 6 | Landorus-Therian | 22.804% | | 7 | Politoed | 21.544% | | 8 | Excadrill | 19.903% | | 9 | Starmie | 19.534% | | 10 | Dragonite | 19.181% | | 11 | Keldeo | 18.552% | | 12 | Jirachi | 17.620% | | 13 | Alakazam | 16.873% | | 14 | Skarmory | 14.737% | | 15 | Magnezone | 14.553% | | 16 | Thundurus-Therian | 14.388% | | 17 | Tentacruel | 13.699% | | 18 | Volcarona | 13.439% | | 19 | Rotom-Wash | 12.622% | | 20 | Jellicent | 12.005% | | 21 | Kyurem-Black | 11.768% | | 22 | Reuniclus | 11.051% | | 23 | Gliscor | 9.816% | | 24 | Mamoswine | 9.450% | | 25 | Breloom | 9.091% | | 26 | Cloyster | 7.941% | | 27 | Heatran | 7.539% | | 28 | Gengar | 6.920% | | 29 | Conkeldurr | 6.227% | | 30 | Terrakion | 6.101% | | 31 | Celebi | 6.099% | | 32 | Forretress | 5.613% | | 33 | Salamence | 4.845% | | 34 | Gyarados | 4.760% | | 35 | Latias | 4.076% | | 36 | Hydreigon | 3.966% | | 37 | Gastrodon | 3.723% | | 38 | Ninetales | 3.534% | | 39 | Blissey | 3.207% | | 40 | Tornadus | 3.093% | | 41 | Hippowdon | 3.017% | | 42 | Toxicroak | 2.805% | | 43 | Azelf | 2.748% | | 44 | Mienshao | 2.428% | | 45 | Chansey | 2.422% | | 46 | Infernape | 2.368% | | 47 | Amoonguss | 2.253% | | 48 | Abomasnow | 2.161% | | 49 | Weavile | 1.929% | | 50 | Xatu | 1.912% | | 51 | Donphan | 1.852% | | 52 | Slowbro | 1.786% | | 53 | Victini | 1.587% | | 54 | Jolteon | 1.563% | | 55 | Lucario | 1.496% | | 56 | Bronzong | 1.458% | | 57 | Aerodactyl | 1.411% | | 58 | Slowking | 1.401% | | 59 | Cresselia | 1.396% | | 60 | Metagross | 1.299% | | 61 | Clefable | 1.285% | | 62 | Kyurem | 1.245% | | 63 | Haxorus | 1.235% | | 64 | Chandelure | 1.166% | | 65 | Seismitoad | 1.034% | | 66 | Kingdra | 1.011% | | 67 | Blastoise | 0.978% | | 68 | Mew | 0.955% | | 69 | Scrafty | 0.933% | | 70 | Sableye | 0.904% | | 71 | Machamp | 0.891% | | 72 | Darmanitan | 0.830% | | 73 | Espeon | 0.818% | | 74 | Suicune | 0.776% | | 75 | Zapdos | 0.760% | | 76 | Togekiss | 0.604% | | 77 | Umbreon | 0.596% | | 78 | Empoleon | 0.593% | | 79 | Dusclops | 0.579% | | 80 | Azumarill | 0.566% | | 81 | Feraligatr | 0.564% | | 82 | Sigilyph | 0.518% | | 83 | Froslass | 0.514% | | 84 | Cofa*grigus | 0.495% | | 85 | Bisharp | 0.438% | | 86 | Vaporeon | 0.432% | | 87 | Magneton | 0.414% | | 88 | Porygon2 | 0.406% | | 89 | Gallade | 0.399% | | 90 | Sharpedo | 0.386% | | 91 | Yanmega | 0.383% | | 92 | Milotic | 0.362% | | 93 | Honchkrow | 0.345% | | 94 | Archeops | 0.327% | | 95 | Heracross | 0.326% | | 96 | Moltres | 0.321% | | 97 | Omastar | 0.307% | | 98 | Ditto | 0.303% | | 99 | Staraptor | 0.286% | | 100 | Quagsire | 0.283% | | 101 | Krookodile | 0.268% | | 102 | Snorlax | 0.248% | | 103 | Ambipom | 0.238% | | 104 | Meloetta | 0.237% | | 105 | Whimsicott | 0.220% | | 106 | Nidoking | 0.208% | | 107 | Raikou | 0.205% | | 108 | Flygon | 0.205% | | 109 | Tangrowth | 0.196% | | 110 | Swampert | 0.192% | | 111 | Zoroark | 0.190% | | 112 | Scyther | 0.187% | | 113 | Shaymin | 0.183% | | 114 | Gligar | 0.181% | | 115 | Venusaur | 0.171% | | 116 | Alomomola | 0.163% | | 117 | Crustle | 0.163% | | 118 | Ludicolo | 0.161% | | 119 | Eelektross | 0.160% | | 120 | Whiscash | 0.153% | | 121 | Arcanine | 0.142% | | 122 | Golem | 0.138% | | 123 | Lanturn | 0.133% | | 124 | Porygon-Z | 0.129% | | 125 | Roserade | 0.128% | | 126 | Hitmontop | 0.127% | | 127 | Kabutops | 0.117% | | 128 | Sceptile | 0.115% | | 129 | Lapras | 0.113% | | 130 | Drifblim | 0.112% | | 131 | Crobat | 0.111% | | 132 | Charizard | 0.109% | | 133 | Serperior | 0.105% | | 134 | Claydol | 0.103% | + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +

Latias moved from (OU) to OU


Combined usage for OU (1630 stats) + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + | Rank | Pokemon | Percent | + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + | 1 | Tyranitar | 45.062% | | 2 | Jirachi | 40.576% | | 3 | Latias | 37.307% | | 4 | Heatran | 29.513% | | 5 | Gyarados | 23.895% | | 6 | Breloom | 22.742% | | 7 | Scizor | 21.595% | | 8 | Metagross | 21.010% | | 9 | Starmie | 20.993% | | 10 | Gengar | 18.819% | | 11 | Dragonite | 18.309% | | 12 | Flygon | 17.996% | | 13 | Infernape | 17.124% | | 14 | Swampert | 16.085% | | 15 | Skarmory | 14.882% | | 16 | Azelf | 14.087% | | 17 | Rotom-Wash | 13.889% | | 18 | Lucario | 13.457% | | 19 | Rotom-Heat | 11.804% | | 20 | Suicune | 11.655% | | 21 | Bronzong | 11.345% | | 22 | Machamp | 11.317% | | 23 | Zapdos | 10.435% | | 24 | Empoleon | 9.800% | | 25 | Clefable | 9.272% | | 26 | Magnezone | 8.129% | | 27 | Kingdra | 6.533% | | 28 | Roserade | 6.469% | | 29 | Gliscor | 6.413% | | 30 | Hippowdon | 6.019% | | 31 | Aerodactyl | 5.145% | | 32 | Blissey | 4.430% | | 33 | Weavile | 4.119% | | 34 | Celebi | 3.820% | | 35 | Forretress | 3.407% | | 36 | Donphan | 3.143% | | 37 | Rotom-Mow | 3.002% | | 38 | Magneton | 2.759% | | 39 | Mamoswine | 2.673% | | 40 | Uxie | 2.385% | | 41 | Raikou | 2.249% | | 42 | Rhyperior | 2.113% | | 43 | Crobat | 1.846% | | 44 | Abomasnow | 1.815% | | 45 | Tentacruel | 1.721% | | 46 | Camerupt | 1.294% | | 47 | Smeargle | 1.294% | | 48 | Ludicolo | 1.281% | | 49 | Nidoqueen | 1.278% | | 50 | Heracross | 1.228% | | 51 | Milotic | 1.191% | | 52 | Rotom-Frost | 1.156% | | 53 | Electivire | 1.125% | | 54 | Snorlax | 1.108% | | 55 | Vaporeon | 1.055% | | 56 | Shaymin | 1.023% | | 57 | Quagsire | 1.015% | | 58 | Froslass | 1.002% | | 59 | Togekiss | 0.983% | | 60 | Slowbro | 0.978% | | 61 | Kabutops | 0.913% | | 62 | Cresselia | 0.893% | | 63 | Qwilfish | 0.815% | | 64 | Lanturn | 0.726% | | 65 | Gallade | 0.695% | | 66 | Hitmontop | 0.672% | | 67 | Toxicroak | 0.614% | | 68 | Moltres | 0.593% | | 69 | Dusknoir | 0.591% | | 70 | Porygon-Z | 0.560% | | 71 | Venusaur | 0.557% | | 72 | Jolteon | 0.556% | | 73 | Yanmega | 0.555% | | 74 | Cloyster | 0.542% | | 75 | Medicham | 0.468% | | 76 | Hariyama | 0.436% | | 77 | Claydol | 0.410% | | 78 | Miltank | 0.379% | | 79 | Weezing | 0.379% | | 80 | Spiritomb | 0.375% | | 81 | Azumarill | 0.362% | | 82 | Gastrodon | 0.355% | | 83 | Honchkrow | 0.351% | | 84 | Walrein | 0.342% | | 85 | Feraligatr | 0.338% | | 86 | Mesprit | 0.329% | | 87 | Ambipom | 0.328% | | 88 | Sceptile | 0.325% | | 89 | Staraptor | 0.310% | | 90 | Absol | 0.297% | | 91 | Blastoise | 0.262% | | 92 | Omastar | 0.253% | | 93 | Glaceon | 0.223% | | 94 | Exeggutor | 0.218% | | 95 | Rotom-Fan | 0.208% | | 96 | Alakazam | 0.203% | | 97 | Torterra | 0.185% | | 98 | Porygon2 | 0.175% | | 99 | Steelix | 0.169% | | 100 | Jynx | 0.164% | | 101 | Umbreon | 0.160% | | 102 | Magmortar | 0.158% | | 103 | Blaziken | 0.153% | | 104 | Venomoth | 0.153% | | 105 | Charizard | 0.147% | | 106 | Registeel | 0.147% | | 107 | Poliwrath | 0.144% | | 108 | Aggron | 0.140% | | 109 | Swellow | 0.135% | | 110 | Regirock | 0.128% | | 111 | Rampardos | 0.123% | | 112 | Scyther | 0.116% | | 113 | Drapion | 0.108% | | 114 | Slowking | 0.102% | + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +

No changes!


Jul 15, 2023

  • #22

Will there be another accelerated droprate to the lower tiers based on UU usage for July (i.e. 1/15th of 4.52% goes straight to NU), or was that a one-time thing for the OU usage stats only?

Currently there's still about 30 pokemon too many in UU, 30 pokemon would then drop to RU August 1st, etc. until finally everything up to PU is settled on October 1st. If I'm looking at the usage stats from Fall 2020, it seems skipping tiers in the drops for extraordinarily low usage was applied only once to OU and never to UU or below, with the tiers instead being updated every 2 weeks instead of every month to accelerate this ripple through the lower tiers.

Now the Crown Tundra added way more viable pokemon to the game than the home update has (more than a tier's worth) so it could be argued adding in special treatment for the lower tiers was more neccesary then. However, the first DLC for SV is slated to be released in Autumn this year, meaning if no special treatment at all is applied then the tiers might get a big ripple again the moment they've finally been settled. Either way, I'm interested in hearing if anything was decided on for this yet.


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Research Leader

Jul 16, 2023

  • #23

Mijzelffan said:

Will there be another accelerated droprate to the lower tiers based on UU usage for July (i.e. 1/15th of 4.52% goes straight to NU), or was that a one-time thing for the OU usage stats only?

There will not; lower tiers don't have a massive playerbase to support what was done with OU.

Mijzelffan said:

Currently there's still about 30 pokemon too many in UU, 30 pokemon would then drop to RU August 1st, etc. until finally everything up to PU is settled on October 1st. If I'm looking at the usage stats from Fall 2020, it seems skipping tiers in the drops for extraordinarily low usage was applied only once to OU and never to UU or below, with the tiers instead being updated every 2 weeks instead of every month to accelerate this ripple through the lower tiers.

Now the Crown Tundra added way more viable pokemon to the game than the home update has (more than a tier's worth) so it could be argued adding in special treatment for the lower tiers was more neccesary then. However, the first DLC for SV is slated to be released in Autumn this year, meaning if no special treatment at all is applied then the tiers might get a big ripple again the moment they've finally been settled. Either way, I'm interested in hearing if anything was decided on for this yet.

People had free time when The Crown Tundra released because it was in 2020. What happened at the beginning of the month after the HOME update was my alternative to running stats every two weeks. More than doubling the amount of time Kalalokki, Kris, and I spend on this for a handful of months just to have DLC mess it all up (and then essentially being forced to do it another time between DLC1 and DLC2 and again after) isn't going to happen.


Jul 26, 2023

  • #24

Sorry for what i'm sure is a stupid question, but i've been searching for a long time: What is the number on the far right of every file in the index? Past the time and date.


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Gen 9 Smogon University Usage Statistics Discussion Thread (142)Gen 9 Smogon University Usage Statistics Discussion Thread (143)Gen 9 Smogon University Usage Statistics Discussion Thread (144)Gen 9 Smogon University Usage Statistics Discussion Thread (145)Gen 9 Smogon University Usage Statistics Discussion Thread (146)Gen 9 Smogon University Usage Statistics Discussion Thread (147)Gen 9 Smogon University Usage Statistics Discussion Thread (148)

Research Leader

Aug 1, 2023

  • #25

Stats for July are now up!

Victinipples said:

Sorry for what i'm sure is a stupid question, but i've been searching for a long time: What is the number on the far right of every file in the index? Past the time and date.

It's the size of the file in bytes.

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Gen 9 Smogon University Usage Statistics Discussion Thread (2024)


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