Dehydration Can Lead To ____________ Blood Osmolarity. (2024)

Medicine College


Answer 1




Answer 2

Answer:Dehydration can lead to (increased) blood osmolarity. This state will stimulate (hypothalamic) osmoreceptors.


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If the patient weighs 55kg, how much cefuroxime will the patient take each day?


The dose is usually 20-30 milligrams per kilogram weight divided into two doses

If a non-diabetic takes diabetic medicines, what happens?



Best case: It lower their blood sugar and they pass out.


Diabetic medicines are made to lower the level of glucose by increasing the amount of insulin. If a non-diabetic patient will take this medication, then it will result in a decreased glucose level.

What are the hormones controlling the level of glucose?

The hormones are the chemicals released by endocrine gland to control and coordinate bodily functions.

The pancreas release the hormones called insulin and glucagon that regulates the blood glucose level.

Insulin helps to lower the level of glucose and glucagon increases the glucose level.

In the case of diabetes, the pancreas decreases the production of insulin which leads to increased blood glucose levels.

As to maintain normal level, some medications or in some cases insulin injections are given to the patient to maintain the normal glucose level.

If a non-diabetic person will take this medication, then it will lead to decreased glucose level that results in fainting, dizziness, etc.

For more details regarding diabetes, visit:


link in the chain of infection a round object a method to clean sterilize a phase of healing process what the answer


answer explanation: The six links include: the infectious agent, reservoir, portal of exit, mode of transmission, portal of entry, and susceptible host. The way to stop germs from spreading is by interrupting this chain at any link.

generally speaking, vaccinations are effective in combating future infections because they induce the production of



e. memory cells


The __________ abuts the lumen of the alimentary canal and consists of epithelium, lamina propria, and muscularis mucosae.





I hope I helped

Have an AMAZING day. :)

Rate the effectiveness of this action for dealing with an angry patient agreeing with all of



Somewhat effective


"As outlining reasons by which the patient/customer's concern was not justified we will get to know the patient's complaint reason & will be able to identify the necessary actions to be taken. Rated Somewhat Effective as the patient/customer is in panic state due to his condition, he will act this way as to demonstrate his behavior so somewhat clarifying the reason will be effective."

The effectiveness of this action for dealing with an angry patient agreeing with all is moderate.

What do you mean by Effectiveness?

Effectiveness may be defined as the capability of building the expected result or the ability to produce the desired output.

The angry patient is somewhat not satisfied with the facility and medical assistance that he was offered. In this situation, the relationship between medical healthcare and the patients fades away. So, there must be required for medical professionals to handle it and produce a moderate effect on the patient.

Therefore, it is well described above.

To learn more about Patients, refer to the link:


Public health nutrition and community nutrition are the same thing.
O False
O True


It is true. They are the same.

The nurse is caring for a client admitted for treatment of active sarcoidosis. What is the nurse’s best approach to assessing this client?


The nurse is caring for a client admitted for treatment of active sarcoidosis. What is

The nurse’s best approach to assessing the client with active sarcoidosis is to perform

a complete head-to-toe assessment.

What is Sarcoidosis?

Sarcoidosis serves as a disease which brings about the growth of tiny collections of inflammatory cells (granulomas) in any part of your body.

This can be felt in the lungs and lymph nodes, that is why the nurse needs to perform

a complete head-to-toe assessment.

Learn more about Sarcoidosis at:

Nursing is a very humble job in which nurse assist and take care of the patients. The nurse’s best approach to assessing the client with sarcoidosis is complete body assessment.

What is sarcoidosis?

Sarcoidosis is a disease that brings about the growth of collections of tiny inflammatory cells aslo called as granulomas in any part of your body.

It occurs most commonly in lungs and lymph nodes but also eye, skin, heart and other organs.

A nurse which is caring for the patient having sarcoidosis must approach for a complete body assessment. It also includes the test such as blood and urine test along with a CT scan.

Thus, the nurse’s best approach to assessing this client is to have a complete body assessment.

For more details about sarcoidosis, visit:


A medical researcher wishes to investigate the effectiveness



Please provide more Information


Please provide what to do?

The null hypothesis is a general statement. According to this, there is no relationship between two phenomena under consideration. Here the p value will be 0.1086. As the P-value is greater so it was is rejected.

What is null and alternative hypothesis?

It is an alternative hypothesis that describes that there is a relationship between two selected variables in a study.

To test for the evidence of a difference in mean b loss for the two methods done by null and alternative hypothesis.

Its given that

Sample mean x = -2

Population mean = 0SD = 6

Sample size n = 25

According to t-test statistics

[tex]t=\frac{x-\mu }{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n} } }[/tex]

[tex]t=\frac{-2-0}{\frac{6}{\sqrt{25} }}[/tex]


P-value = P(t ≤ -1.667) + P(t ≥ 1.667)

P-value = 0.1086

Thus, as the P-value is greater than It is subjected for rejection.

For more information regarding null and alternative hypotheses, visit:


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The correct answer actually type one diabetes that relates to such.

For appropriate treatment, it is vital to discern if the qrs wave is __________ in an tachycardic individual


For appropriate treatment, it is vital to discern if the QRS wave is wide or narrow in a tachycardic individual.

What is the QRS complex?

The QRS complex (or ventricular depolarization) makes reference to the combination of waves observed in an electrocardiogram.

The QRS complex is the combination of the three different waves that include the R wave, Q wave and S wave.

The QRS complex is produced by electrical action, i.e., the ventricular depolarization, of the heart muscle.

Learn more about the QRS complex here:

For suitable treatment, it's miles crucial to figure if the QRS wave is huge or slim in a tachycardic individual.

What is the QRS complex?

The QRS complex (or ventricular depolarization) makes connection with the aggregate of waves located in an electrocardiogram.

The QRS complex is the aggregate of the 3 distinctive waves that encompass the R wave, Q wave and S wave.The QRS complex is produced through electric action, i.e., the ventricular depolarization, of the coronary heart muscle.

Learn extra about the QRS complex here:


Multiple Choice 32. What size (internal diameter) endotracheal tube should be used to intubate a newborn with an estimated gestational age of 26 weeks (estimated birth weight of 0. 8 kg)





Case study for somatic symptom and related disorders - hannah



They include somatization disorder, undifferentiated somatoform disorder, hypochondriasis, conversion disorder, pain disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, and somatoform disorder not otherwise specified. 1 These disorders often cause significant emotional distress for patients and are a challenge to family physicians.Nov 1, 2007


Thelma has frequent headaches and feels extremely tired. A blood test indicates that she has hypothyroidism. Her doctor tells her that this is due to a deficiency of (________) and triiodothyronine, hormones that speed up metabolism



Thyroxine also known as T4

When did you know your child had Conduct disorder?


Conduct behavior is a type of behavior disorder which is characterized by antisocial behavior of child. It can be detected by observing the symptoms in children like aggressive behavior, destructive behavior, violations of rules, etc.

What is the main cause behind conduct disorder?

Conduct disorder is a serious behavioral or can be emotional disorder and can occur in children and teens.

Its exact cause is unknown however it can be due to

Biological factor: including defects or injuries in certain parts of the brain.Genetics: this disorder can be partially inherited.Environmental: includes dysfunctional family life, childhood abuse, traumatic experience, etc.Psychological: it can reflect the problem of moral awareness.Social: it includes less socioeconomic status, avoidance by peers, etc.

Thus, it can be concluded that the child can be diagnosed with conduct disorder if it is having symptoms like aggressive behavior, violation of rules, destructive behavior, etc.

For more details regarding conduct disorder, visit:



Dr. Martin has diagnosed Maude Crawford in the past with congestive heart failure and diabetes mel-

litus type 2 (insulin-dependent, long-term). She comes to the clinic today complaining of chest pain and

has a fever of 101. 8° F. Code all of these conditions. In which order should these codes be sequenced?







In this case, medical codes include I50.9 (heart failure), E11 (diabetes mellitus type 2) Z79 (insulin-dependent) and finally R07.9 (chest pain, unspecified).

What are medical codes?

Medical codes are different codes used to classify diseases and/or health conditions, which are listed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

A medical code always starts with a letter, which is followed by two numbers, where three characters represent the categories.

For example, ICD-9-CM codes are different codes for diagnoses and/or procedures used in hospital/clinical settings.

Learn more about medical codes here:

How should Samra handle the situation with Ms. McConnley?. When Ms. McConnley is ready to check out, she informs Samra that she does not have any cash to pay her $25 copayment. How should Samra respond? When Ms. McConnley is ready to check out, she informs Samra that she does not have any cash to pay her $25 copayment. How should Samra respond? Is it necessary for Samra to make any notations in the patient’s chart?



how will she pay later

yes make notations

Samra can respond to the situation by explaining to McConnley the policy of the company about copayment.

What do you mean by the term copayment?

A copayment simply means a fixed amount for a covered service that is paid by an individual to the provider of a service before the service is received.

In this case, Ms. McConnley is ready to check out and inform Samra that she does not have any cash to pay her $25 copayment.

Thus, It's important for Samra to explain the company's policy on copayment and remind her that she hasn't paid her.

Learn more about co-payment on:


What is the difference between Diarrhea and Cholera?


Cholera is an acute diarrheal infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio Cholerae. Diarrhea does not necessarily mean that you have cholera, it is merely a symptom of the bacterium. In fact, diarrhea is not seen in every case of cholera, but only the most severe.

People on a strict diet to lose weight begin to metabolize stored fats at an accelerated rate. How does this condition affect blood pH


This condition will affect the pH of the blood by causing a reduction in it in this scenario.

What is pH?

This is known as the power of hydrogen and it is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a substance.

People on a strict diet to lose weight begin to metabolize stored fats at an accelerated rate which decreases the pH and makes it acidic.

Read more about pH here

What is the effectiveness and time to take effect of Claritin?



People who take it may feel relief in as little as one hour.


It's designed to calm the histamine reaction your body has when it's exposed to an allergen.

The time taken by Claritin to produce effects in the people is about 2-3 hours after taking it.

What do you mean by Claritin?

Claritin may be defined as the medication which is an antihistamine and is used to treat allergy symptoms.

Claritin is produced to decline the effect of histamine in the body of organisms. It may be given when an allergen may be exposed to your body. It declines the histamine reactions and triggers the white blood cells to activate for fight response.

Therefore, it is well described above.

To learn more about Allergen, refer to the link:


What is tris lysis buffer



Tris, or tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane, is a common biological buffer, used throughout the DNA extraction process. During extraction from any number of sources, DNA is pH sensitive. During cell lysis, removal of unwanted cellular components and precipitation, tris is used to maintain a stable pH

Drugs used to put a patient under for surgery and how do they work



they work because of personn is in pain they should have anesthesia which makes them unconscious so they don't feel pain

While reading a client's history, the nurse notes that a client has a colostomy. When assessing
the client, the nurse notes that the output is formed stool. What should the nurse do?



Document the output, this is normal


Disease, which is an autoimmune disorder caused by hyperthyroidism, is often characterized by goiter, exophthalmos, or both.



It is graves disease.


The physician-patient contract can be terminated for which action?



Failure to pay for service.


I hope this helps.

Have an AMAZING day. :)

You are giving sets of 30 compressions and 2 breaths. Another person arrives with an AED. What should you do next



Immediately use the AED


A client is on strict bedrest, identify three (3) interventions the nurse can implement to prevent skin breakdown



Turn every 2 hours is the key to prevent break down. Head of bed should be kept at 30 degrees or less to avoid sliding down on bed. Use pillows or foam wedges to keep bony prominences from direct contact with each other. Keep the pillows under the heels to raise off bed

If the client is on strict bedrest, it must be necessary to maintain his/her proper body alignment by taking care of the client.

What do you mean by Skin breakdown?

Skin breakdown may be defined as the process of breakdown of dead tissue or exhausted tissue with the use of enzymes.

The nurse should position the patient on a rotating side-lying place every two hours. The nurse can use pillows for patient assistance.

Reduce the time for sitting in a chair, and use some devices that can lower the blood pressure. It is also mandatory to check the nutritional status of the patient as well as skin check regularly.

Therefore, it is well described above.

To learn more about Skin breakdown, refer to the link:


reasons to get vaccines vs reasons not to get vaccines



1 Vaccine-preventable diseases have not gone away

The viruses and bacteria that cause illness and death still exist and can be passed on to those who are not protected by vaccines. While many diseases are not common in the US, global travel makes it easy for diseases to spread.

2 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends vaccinations throughout your life to protect against many infections. When you skip vaccines, you leave yourself vulnerable to illnesses such as shingles, pneumococcal disease, flu, and HPV and hepatitis B, both leading causes of cancer.

3 Vaccines are as important to your overall health as diet and exercise

Like eating healthy foods, exercising, and getting regular check-ups, vaccines play a vital role in keeping you healthy. Vaccines are one of the most convenient and safest preventive care measures available.

Because of age, health conditions, or other factors, some people should not get certain vaccines or should wait before getting them.

A 32-year-old female is seen in the urologist's office because of a fever, chills, and generalized fatigue. She also reported urgency, frequency, dysuria, and hematuria. In addition, she noticed that her urine was cloudy with a fishy odor. The physician ordered the following tests: a clean catch specimen for a U/A, a urine C&S, and a KUB. The U/A revealed pyuria, bacteriuria, and a slightly acidic pH. A common type bacteria was grown in the culture. X-rays reveal acute pyelonephritis resulting from cystitis, which has spread up tohhhhyhyytyy6 the kidney from the bladder. . The patient was placed on an antibiotic and encouraged to “push fluids” by drinking 2L of water a day.


The two infections the patient has include the following:

Infection of pelvis called pyelonnephritis.Infection of the urinary bladder called cystitis.

What is an Infection?

This is defined as the invasion of an organism's body tissues by disease-causing agents.

In this scenario, Infection of pelvis occurred as a result of the bacterial infection of urinary bladder (lower UT) that has spread up the urinary tract to the pelvis.

Read more about Infection here

Dehydration Can Lead To ____________ Blood Osmolarity. (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.